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Dr D

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Few years back I went on a call out with work all I got was address sent through to phone, when I arrived it was the trident place were parts we're made, armed gaurds as you would expect ,they were expecting some one to turn up wot they didnt expect was some one with cartridges in there glove box😱😱😱😱😱 sniffer dogs found them 😲😲😲

Edited by bullet1747
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I'm afraid you highlight only a minute portion of what was said, he seems a principled individual. I don't agree with everything he says or proposes by any means but experience tells me that if the inequalities he highlighted are not redressed we will all be the losers big time?

History tells that when hope and aspiration is removed from society, eventually there is big trouble?


To balance it up a bit, does anyone find any of the recent politicians are any more trustworthy and morally worthy of their positions? Tons of salt needed?


Anyway enough of the real world, just off to clean and oil some tackle.

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I think he may have it right on Trident, but not a nuclear deterrent. Trident is extremely expensive to maintain; at a time when our army, navy and air force are facing massive cuts you have to ask whether this particular nuclear deterrent is the most cost effective?


No doubt we need one but it could be one that, quite literally, offers better bang for the buck!

Edited by mick miller
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I'm afraid you highlight only a minute portion of what was said, he seems a principled individual. I don't agree with everything he says or proposes by any means but experience tells me that if the inequalities he highlighted are not redressed we will all be the losers big time?History tells that when hope and aspiration is removed from society, eventually there is big trouble?To balance it up a bit, does anyone find any of the recent politicians are any more trustworthy and morally worthy of their positions? Tons of salt needed?Anyway enough of the real world, just off to clean and oil some tackle.

I thought I gave a link to the BBC report in totality? As for principles. He seems to be making it up as he goes along. This latest nonsense is in response to the problem of the unions. Now he thinks we should keep the sub's and ditch the nukes. I would love to know what he thinks they should be armed with?


Usually I would personally tend left of centre. But he is making lab unelectable and since the liberals are in the political wilderness it seems English voters at least are being robbed of serious options. Poor show. Not really my problem here, other than someone has to form the next UK govt. 😨😨

Edited by Dr D
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The Falklands may well be an issue very soon? No Aircraft or Carriers? Oops!

There will be if he gets his way. Mr Corban also thinks we should discuss the Falklands with Argentina. I'm not sure what he thinks we should talk about, because labour surely engrained the concept of consent in northern Ireland in 1998. Maybe he thinks we should revisit that principle starting in the south Atlantic? It's all very concerning no matter what question you ask him!

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