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lee enfield


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Thanks for the info guys

look up L.E.R.A. on web..bit of stuff/advice and usually items for sale etc

I was looking at joining them a while back

Dont buy a two groove rifling version. PPU ammo is best. Kranks have a lot at the moment, where are you?

thames Valley m8

Thanks for the info guys I was looking at joining them a while back thames Valley berkishire m8

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Have you looked into all the varying models of the Lee enfield. I was looking at getting one,ended up getting a sporterized winchester p14 in 308 with peep sights(my favourite rifle),its won me a few competitions also at friendly level. A friend of mine has a enfield 303 with a heavy barrel that was some kind of sniper rifle. Loads about and a lot gathering dust.

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Having just gone through the same search, you'll find that prices are all over the place depending on where you are looking in the trade or if you decide to go private. Quite a few on gun trader at the mo to wet your appetite. I believe Thames Valley guns deal in classic military rifles so may be worth a look.


In the end I went Russian to start my collection with a Mosin M44 but still have my eye on a LE No4 sitting in my friends safe doing nothing.

Edited by Livefast123
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Have you looked into all the varying models of the Lee enfield. I was looking at getting one,ended up getting a sporterized winchester p14 in 308 with peep sights(my favourite rifle),its won me a few competitions also at friendly level. A friend of mine has a enfield 303 with a heavy barrel that was some kind of sniper rifle. Loads about and a lot gathering dust.

thank for the advice but relly want a No4
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Having just gone through the same search, you'll find that prices are all over the place depending on where you are looking in the trade or if you decide to go private. Quite a few on gun trader at the mo to wet your appetite. I believe Thames Valley guns deal in classic military rifles so may be worth a look.

In the end I went Russian to start my collection with a Mosin M44 but still have my eye on a LE No4 sitting in my friends safe doing nothing.

found that thames Valley website ealier today looks pretty good Lees seem to go for around 450 on there not bad yer I seen videos off the mosin on the Internet they look like proper harde battle rifles but relly want a lee to be honest wouldn't mind getting mosin after the lee though
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Being a Brit it's only right to want a Lee Enfield, my grandfather fought with one in WW2 hence my reason to want to own one. If you Google it then you will find many RFD selling them like Simply firearms, CG firearms, Highwood Classic Arms etc. I'm a bargain hunter so went private.


It's proper hard being the carbine with pig sticker bayonet ;-)

Edited by Livefast123
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My Dad used to have one in the 70's, i used to use it at the range cos it was cheap to shoot i think it was 1942 ammo we had for it.

It was no4 Lee Enfield, and it cost us the princely sum of £10........those were the days

In the 70s £10 for a Lee Enfield was overpriced! And there was endless amounts of free ammo around. The cadets had .303 rifles and each unit had so much ammo they couldn't use it all and would happily swap ammo for an equivelent number of fired cases.

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The cadets had .303 rifles and each unit had so much ammo they couldn't use it all and would happily swap ammo for an equivelent number of fired cases.


And now it's virtually £1 per bang! Don't worry about affording the gun, it's feeding it that costs.


That's what put me off getting into Lee Enfield target shooting, apart from that, I'd love one.

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I wanted a P14 as my grandfather was in the home guard in WW2 as he was to young to fight in WW1 and to old in the second. Every time I found one before I could view it, it was sold, Then a Mk5 came up for sale local and my uncle done national service in the 1950s in Changi barracks with the RAF and this model fitted that era as it was a jungle carbine so I got it and that was £700 (in very good condition all numbers matching). I warn you it kicks like a mule but its fun to shoot and looks very different to the earlier .303s as its shorter has a flash eliminator.

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When we had the No 4 i also want to get No5 Jungle carbine to go along with it, in those days they were advertised in the Guns Review magazine for £27, my Dad said they kicked like a mule and if i pulled the trigger on one i wouldnt like it :sad1::sad1:


I was only about 15 at the time so i am glad i listened to him, it would have been a bit of a handful for me to fire.

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Winchester p14 308


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Winchester p14 308

very nice.
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Always fancied the original snipers version but the real McCoy version in good condition has risen in cost beyond what I should spend on a safe queen

Some of those sniper versions are being offered for sale at totally ridiculous prices (eg over £8,000) but there are so many fakes around that even if you wanted one you would be mad to risk it. I think Fultons has one they are asking £9,800 for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I said what I thought my post would be deleted and I would probably get banned

Edited by Vince Green
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