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452 Silhouette Shoulder Pad


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Mine looks exactly the same mate 2nd hand .22 style. I'm debating if it's worth grinding down one of the Bisley adjustable pads or treating myself to a new stock.

I dunno what's causing it possibly a rogue rubber batch used to make some of the pads.

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I have contacted EB, just waiting a response. I hope they can help, otherwise I'll need a pad elseware.


Anyone got any suggestions of a replacement pad, they come in all sorts of shapes/sizes/colours/etc.


I'd rather not have to spend hours adjusting it to fit, although I accept work will almost certainly need doing.



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For the money, the Bisley adjustable butt pads take some beating. There will probably be a bit of work needed to fit the static part, but it's well worth the effort. JSR are a good company to deal with:-







A few comments on Wegu vs Bisley:-


Edited by Les*1066
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Dekers, had exactly same problem when I had my cz style. No help from Edgar bros. The pad is glued onto the synthetic stocks, not screwed the traditional way.

It will pull /tear off and can be replaced with a Pachmayr black rubber pad and shaped to suit. Not a big job and leaves it good as new.

That's what I did. Unfortunately I don't have rifle now or pics to show you.

Atb Rich

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Just the same has happened to me I put it down to having silica bags in the bottom of the gun safe and the pad sitting on one .Does any one else have silica packs in the gun safe and have had the same ,mine went like glue


Mine hasn't seen any Silica in its entire life, so not that in my case.

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For the money, the Bisley adjustable butt pads take some beating. There will probably be a bit of work needed to fit the static part, but it's well worth the effort. JSR are a good company to deal with:-







A few comments on Wegu vs Bisley:-


+1 on all the above

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of a result I think, and quite quick .....


This was delivered Friday....



It contained this...



So the old came off and the new was fitted pronto..........



I think praise is due when deserved, and on this occasion I am exceedingly grateful to EB for their help, and the replacement shoulder pad (WHOLE NEW STOCK).



Edited by Dekers
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A bit of a result I think, and quite quick .....


This was delivered Friday....

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It contained this...



So the old came off and the new was fitted pronto..........



I think praise is due when deserved, and on this occasion I am exceedingly grateful to EB for their help, and the replacement shoulder pad (WHOLE NEW STOCK).



hello, now that is a great result from Edgar Bros :good:

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