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Kent Police Commisioner Elections


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Just been having a browse of the candidates for the upcoming election and thought this may be of interest to shooters who wouldn't necessarily feel the need to vote in the elections.


The UKIP candidate Henry Bolton could be our man.


In his manifesto he has pledged to review licencing in Kent


Have added a picture of the relevant page, the bottom paragraph is where its written


I've never voted in one of these but will get off my bum and do it this time.




He has had a long military career and has done a fair bit in his time


Have a look on this link for full manifesto and information




May be worth emailing him to fine out more, and if anyone uses other sites or Facebook spread the word




Edited by belly47
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Just sent a very brief email to see if I get a response




Hello Henry


I have just read with interest your manifesto and can say that you will get my vote on election day


As a firearms licence holder I am particularly pleased that you are aware of the shocking delays we have to endure .


As a member of a few shooting forums online I can say that the delays in Kent are often discussed, and there never seems to be any positive comments about them.


I would be interested to know how you would propose to improve the system


I have attached a link to a current thread from the pigeon watch forum which talks about the troubles some people are having if you can spare the time to read it, although it appears you are well aware of the mess they are in




I will spread the word on forums urging fellow shooters to support you, as I'm sure this will encourage people to get out and vote



Best of luck

I don't suppose you know whether Fergus Wilson is running? He's a prolific landlord in Kent, successful but an absolute wally, he said he would run and caused a lot of mickey taking as he has a conviction for assault.

No he isn't standing

Edited by belly47
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The business of Parish and Special Constables isn't a good idea IMO. If you take the cost of recruiting, training and equipping these part-time officers against what they actually contribute it would be much more prudent to use the money increasing the numbers of full time police officers.

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Their all a load of idiots. It's La La land stuff. There isn't the money for a puncture kit for the force push bike. Recently people were complaining about speeding through a 30 area. Plod said that they didn't have the resources or manpower to do anything about it. A member of the public bought a speed gun but because they weren't official the plod said you give us the numbers and we will write a letter to the offenders giving them a warning of over speeding. The people wrote the numbers down by the page full, but they didn't know the make and type or colour ect for each one. Plod said that they couldn't do anything unless all details were present. Public went through exercise again and plod said " Blimey you've got dozens of numbers, "That's great, but we haven't got the funds to go after them". Total waste of time. whole exercise not fit for purpose. They need to scrap half or all of the forces and the top brass and spend the money on actually doing something constructive. have a national force. We don't have county armies or county navies or county air forces so why county police forces. AND before someone says "They have local knowledge". they don't because the nearest station is nearly an hour away. if there isn't an emergency or two on the go and then it could be whenever. There was a road accident and the ambulance took the people away the recovery people took the car away and the fire brigade cleared up the mess and the scene was clear. Eventually several hours later a wpc turned up driving up and down the road looking for the accident. a local pedestrian informed her that it was all cleared away so the wpc drove off. La La land stuff.

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I agree with what much of you say. A few years ago there were plans to merge police forces into regional forces. This would save on specialist services and management that could be shared amongst two or three forces. The top brass got it kicked into the long grass as far as their jobs were concerned, but they are merging the specialist services resulting in the police being even more top heavy.


As far as local knowledge is concerned, that is largely a thing of the past. Bobbies no longer live on their patch, or even their own force area in many cases. Very few stay around in the same role and location for any length of time and are often moved to areas they know nothing about due to management re-shuffles and changes brought about purely to talk about on a senior officer's next promotion board. Other than the nine year's I did on the dog section I was based in my home area for much of the rest. On my last posting I often worked different beats and with different partners every shift. I mentioned this to the supervision suggesting that if we worked the same beats with the same partners it would benefit everybody. The result was that they took my advice, but I ended up covering a beat I barely knew whilst someone else was posted to my 'home' area, and of course they had rarely worked it so didn't really know it. You couldn't make it up. :no:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been having a browse of the candidates for the upcoming election and thought this may be of interest to shooters who wouldn't necessarily feel the need to vote in the elections.


The UKIP candidate Henry Bolton could be our man.


In his manifesto he has pledged to review licencing in Kent


Have added a picture of the relevant page, the bottom paragraph is where its written


I've never voted in one of these but will get off my bum and do it this time.




He has had a long military career and has done a fair bit in his time


Have a look on this link for full manifesto and information




May be worth emailing him to fine out more, and if anyone uses other sites or Facebook spread the word



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I just don't know. If the rest of the candidates are proposing drivel like this bloke. The things that he is proposing are just worthless random sound bite statements. We have never had a resident PC in this village and unless the PC has won the lottery he probably wont be able to buy a house around here. There are no police houses anymore >> they sold them all off. PCs don't work on their own patch anyway for the reason of accusations of bias and fear of retribution. they work well away from their door. I find it a real cause for concern that someone that is standing for an important office is coming out with total nonsense like this but then again you've only got to look at the stupid things that the present incumbent has done to realize this fact. EG installing a teenager as youth commissioner or something who had to be removed because of the things that she was posting on facebook. AND if you had some little geekoid nerd they wouldn't have any sort of street cred. not that they would have any, anyway.

The bit about sending the police to remembrance parades made me smile. WHY. Are the good people that go to the remembrance parade likely to start getting out of control and need police presence to control them? La La Land.

Edited by fortune
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  • 2 weeks later...

The need for Police to be present at Remembrance Parades is to control the traffic, most parades require roads to be briefly closed, or only be partly open.

With the Police being withdrawn in Kent for the last couple of years, volunteers have had to try to do this, with often bad support from motorists, with some near accidents and punch-ups happening.


I have also emailed Henry Bolton, as he seems the best candidate, and am awaiting a reply.

I don't quite understand why political affiliation should be relevant for a Police Commissioner.

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I re post what I wrote earlier. if this is the best that is on offer for this post of importance god help us. OK I can understand what has been written about traffic control but as far as the rest goes it is just rubbish.

I just don't know. If the rest of the candidates are proposing drivel like this bloke. The things that he is proposing are just worthless random sound bite statements. We have never had a resident PC in this village and unless the PC has won the lottery he probably wont be able to buy a house around here. There are no police houses anymore >> they sold them all off. PCs don't work on their own patch anyway for the reason of accusations of bias and fear of retribution. they work well away from their door. I find it a real cause for concern that someone that is standing for an important office is coming out with total nonsense like this but then again you've only got to look at the stupid things that the present incumbent has done to realize this fact. EG installing a teenager as youth commissioner or something who had to be removed because of the things that she was posting on facebook. AND if you had some little geekoid nerd they wouldn't have any sort of street cred. not that they would have any, anyway. But all of the candidates are as bad if not worse. perhaps there is a donkey that could be proposed for the position. The current incumbent has stated that she doesn't see why the shooters should be subsidized by the police budget because they have a hobby.

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End of the day the Police Commissioners are like Jim Hacker on Yes Minister. They have loads of ideas that will never come to fruition because they aren't possible due to budgetary, political or legal restrictions. They just don't have the power that the public think they have.


Fortune has hit the nail on the head in post #9.

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Maybe you should stand fortune.

NAHH. It wouldn't matter who stood for the reasons in post #12. The problem that I have with all of this is that a candidate is coming out with this nonsense. It would be like me standing and coming out with stuff like. If you are up in Maidstone shopping on a Saturday then if you use the park and ride the police will pay to have your car valeted whilst you are shopping and just as a sweetener your party can dock in to any eatery and have a nice lunch with a glass of wine on the house. Whoo hoo. I'm sure to get elected on that one. the problem is that there is about a fiver in the budget and I've already bagged that fiver for my celebratory dinner on winning the election.

Oh the small matter of the lunch and car valet? Sorry chaps, unexpected budgetary deficit doesn't allow me to fulfill that under the current economic circumstances which are beyond my control. blame central government or the pressing needs of the immigrant populations needs for that. Really the main culprits are those shooting people that expect the police budget to subsidize the issuing of tickets so that they can pursue an expensive and unnecessary worthless hobby. it isn't necessary to shoot holes in bits of paper or break bits of clay making an awful mess and farmers are in big business so controlling vermin should be at their expense just like spraying weeds is. I sound just like a politician don't I. I forgot>> do I get a nice NEW BIG car to be driven around in? My position and status demand that at least. Did I hear that there is a junket over in Calais for a bit of entente cordial? I like a bit of cordial.

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NAHH. It wouldn't matter who stood for the reasons in post #12. The problem that I have with all of this is that a candidate is coming out with this nonsense. It would be like me standing and coming out with stuff like. If you are up in Maidstone shopping on a Saturday then if you use the park and ride the police will pay to have your car valeted whilst you are shopping and just as a sweetener your party can dock in to any eatery and have a nice lunch with a glass of wine on the house. Whoo hoo. I'm sure to get elected on that one. the problem is that there is about a fiver in the budget and I've already bagged that fiver for my celebratory dinner on winning the election.

Oh the small matter of the lunch and car valet? Sorry chaps, unexpected budgetary deficit doesn't allow me to fulfill that under the current economic circumstances which are beyond my control. blame central government or the pressing needs of the immigrant populations needs for that. Really the main culprits are those shooting people that expect the police budget to subsidize the issuing of tickets so that they can pursue an expensive and unnecessary worthless hobby. it isn't necessary to shoot holes in bits of paper or break bits of clay making an awful mess and farmers are in big business so controlling vermin should be at their expense just like spraying weeds is. I sound just like a politician don't I. I forgot>> do I get a nice NEW BIG car to be driven around in? My position and status demand that at least. Did I hear that there is a junket over in Calais for a bit of entente cordial? I like a bit of cordial.


Sounds very familiar. the first one in our neck of the woods made the papers for all the wrong reasons; namely by racking up huge expenses bills on private car hire etc. At least eh was enjoying himself, and i like to see people enjoying themselves.

He wasn't very sympathetic to the CA when he received an email asking why masked hunt/shoot saboteurs were allowed to remain masked.

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Sounds very familiar. the first one in our neck of the woods made the papers for all the wrong reasons; namely by racking up huge expenses bills on private car hire etc. At least eh was enjoying himself, and i like to see people enjoying themselves.

He wasn't very sympathetic to the CA when he received an email asking why masked hunt/shoot saboteurs were allowed to remain masked.

Simple that one. >> Cos they are is-lambs. and the have to wear a mask so that the foxes dont have improper thoughts.. :) On another matter > IF every shooter who had a ticket in kent voted. the MAJORITY that ann barnes has would outnumber them by about two to one.

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