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Naver Give Up

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Friday had us setting out to find the peas that had been drilled the week before only to find no birds down at all. We had been driving for four hours with zero results other than the fouteen we had seen on the clover on the pony paddocks.We decided to travel back over the same ground to see if we were going out too early, no change. We now came to decision time as it was 16.00 , do we look at some rape which we know has a resident flock of fifty birds on it and spook them a hopefully decoy a few or do we go home defeated. By the time we got back to the rape it was 17.00 and we were set up for 17.30 as we had to walk over two fields as we could not drive to the pitch and we travelled light, just twelve decoys and twenty cradles no battery or magnet. The first shot lifted them out of the trees and we had two decoy the rest went behind us and over the next ninety minutes we had twenty more come to the decoys mainly from the back of us. We packed up at 19.00 with twenty two down and no camera so no picture.


On the way home we discussed the reasoning about going out on Saturday to go over the same ground and decided to stay at home. So I helped the wife with the horse , walked the dog and at 11.00 received a call " I'm Boared" shall we go out . We were on the road for 12.00 and heading over the same ground when we decided to do some lefts and rights to find new ground . We came across a ten acre field covered with barley seed with seven birds down we watched it for twenty minutes and no birds joined , so we left. Bunny Blaster gave us a heads up on a field he had seen with a good number of birds on it and we contemplated driving back to look at it when we happend to drive over a hump backed river bridge which with the elevation gave us a brief view of a seed field which had approx fifty birds on it . We parked and walked back to the field and watched it and birds were joining from all directions. YES that will do so we drove to the next farm who we shoot on to get the farmers name. As we drove into the farm the farmer met us with the statement " I was Just Going To Phone You" as he had a seven acre field of chitting peas the pigeons had found yesterday. Now these two fields are within a mile of each other and we knew that if we shot the one they would move onto the other , so we split I went on the seven acre and DB went to the other farm obtained permission on the basis that we would push all the birds over to his land if we shot the one farm It was now 15.00 and we had to pack up early in a rush at 18.15 as we had a thunder storm just starting. I managed to photograph my thirtysix pigeon with rain drops on them and DB had forty four , so with the twenty two from Friday I ended up with one hundred and two on the floor in the garage



The title should read Never Give Up, but I can't change it , perhaps a nice moderator will change it.








Edited by pigeon controller
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Just in from a party and I can't believe you have posted so late. Were you at a party too?


You did well considering. This is a difficult time of year. I searched my old haunts from 10:30 to 3:30 and returned to base without seeing more than five or six on any field.

Edited by JDog
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Just in from a party and I can't believe you have posted so late. Were you at a party too?

You did well considering. This is a difficult time of year. I searched my old haunts from 10:30 to 3:30 and returned to base without seeing more than five or six on any field.

Me Party, I'd rather be shooting, My son and girlfriend came round and we had a take away so I was late posting.

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as motty says its all about persiverance at this time of year.....................well done.........im having and afternoon at them with a mate tomorrow ...on the mown edges of the rape which they are hitting from time to time ......im not expecting much and daesay i will have to move a couple of times

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