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Just read this from Suzanne Evans from UKIP, made me chuckle.


"A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Brexit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime. Not a bad first day of freedom."



Oh and woohoo. I stayed up to 4:15am watching the results come in, seems I missed them calling it by about 20 mins or so. :good::yahoo:


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Just read this from Suzanne Evans from UKIP, made me chuckle.


"A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Brexit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime. Not a bad first day of freedom."



Oh and woohoo. I stayed up to 4:15am watching the results come in, seems I missed them calling it by about 20 mins or so. :good::yahoo:



Great prospective and a wonderful day for our future!


I went to bed before the polling stations closed, but rose at 03:30 to watch the developments in the count. Was very happy when David Dimbleby stated that as far as the BBC was concerned it would be a vote to leave. That was around 05:00.

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One of the best things is reading various posts on Facebook. "how dare they", "this can't happen I didn't vote leave" etc. I can see the idiots going red in the face as they franticly bang their keyboard harder and harder to get their point over. Democracy is a wonderful thing.

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Unfortunately, when the vote was so close and the winning margin so narrow, there will remain hard feelings for many months if not years yet. It is unacceptable in any society for the name calling and deeply offensive attitudes to the result when most of the reasoning centres around the need for stronger capitalism or the labelling of leave voters as xenophobic racists. My reasons had nothing to do with racism or xenophobia but to claim back the democracy that allowed us this vote and which maintains the right of those who voted remain to hurl insults at me and all leave voters. It is exactly because the far left wing side of capitalism (yes, it can be left wing/liberal and capitalist at the same time) that we were forced into this vote in the first place.


If the remain voters who are now slinging mud about including those in power had listened to the growing disquiet from the average British citizen, for whom their home is their castle, and who don't like being told what to do and how to behave and what to believe in from a foreign superstate, then we may all have voted to remain. Had we any confidence in reform and the quality of our politicians, then we may have voted to remain. As it is, we accept that we have years of financial uncertainty ahead, and that no major organisation will invest in the UK until after Brexit happens, because that was the cost of leaving. The fact we feel that strongly cannot be ignored and Europe would do well to heed similar disquiet from its own citizens now, as this is by no means the end. It may well be the beginning of the end for the EC, and after Juncker's comments this morning, I sincerely hope that the superstate dictatorship is torn down and that the EFTA is reinstated without it so we can all get back to a respectful sovereign and respectful alliance with our European neighbours. Until then, the UK fractured sides would do well to grow up, grow a set of cahonies, stop bickering and just get on with it.

Edited by Savhmr
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One of the best things is reading various posts on Facebook. "how dare they", "this can't happen I didn't vote leave" etc. I can see the idiots going red in the face as they franticly bang their keyboard harder and harder to get their point over. Democracy is a wonderful thing.

That's one of the reasons I've suspended my Facebook account

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