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The worlds just got a lot noisier


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for over a year I've felt that my hearing might be slightly deficient in my left ear and I'd been to the Dr's to ask for a referral for a hearing test, got fobbed off back and forth between the GP and the practice nursefor six months or more, having my ears washed out resulting in no improvement, 3 months to get another GP appointment, only to be told "can't refer you for a hearing test - "You've got wax in yer ears" you need to have them syringed.

2 weeks to get an appointment to have them syringed again -Done !

Out of desperation went to Boots (where I get my glasses) explained what had gone on and asked if I could take advantage of the free hearing test offer, Made an appointment - 2 days later, sat down, girl looks inside my ears and says "no point proceeding with a hearing test, You've got build up of wax on the eardrum"

"Ohh Good heavens, how inconvenient" says I, I'd best go back to my Dr's 'practice Nurse' and get her to practice some more' in the faint hope she might learn how to do it, (they do say "practice makes perfect")


So 10 days on I've got an appointment (she's been away, holiday ? Or ...practicing maybe ???)

She decides, she'll refer me for Micro Suction, Which is carried out for the NHS at a different GP practice across town.

The other GP Pracrice contacted me and I had an appointment within a week.

Explained to the Dr what had gone on and over how long, She was gobsmacked and said it was farcical and that she would refer me which she did.

I had a hearing test within 3 weeks, which confirmed my suspicions and an ear mould was taken, have had to wait a few weeks for a fitting appointment, But I'm now wired for sound :)


Perhaps I'm going a bit soft ..... But I found it a bit emotional when the technician confirmed my hearing loss at the initial appointment but confirmed I could be helped, Then again yesterday, Once fitted, tested and adjusted and realised the difference and what I've been given back :) :)


I'm only struggling now with how noisey lots of things are lol, Clocks ticking, my bones/joints clicking, my own breath, how many different /individual birds I can hear in the trees 30yrds away at end of my garden.

Sat outside yesterday evening, could hear a hedgehog snuffling about in the garden. :)


Anyway, Enough ramblings.........

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Like eyesight we take it for granted. The VERY good news is you heard a hedgehog :good: My wife says I have selective hearing and she may be right :lol:


Not only heard it, but was able to track it down by sound, we have a large one (presumably the Parent) and two or three juveniles.

As for the hearing, on mine I have to open the battery compartment to turn it on/off, But I've told the wife it has a volume control ;):)

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I constantly wear ear defenders at work after having a few scares.

I remember after clubbing one night I couldn't hear anything besides ringing. It took over a week to recover and I admit I was really worried and haven't been in a club since .

I've also removed the sub, amp and extra speakers from my van.


Glad your sorted tho ;)

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This reminds me of problems I had with my ears about 15 years ago .an ear infection I had,and after 2 years of agony and various

attempts to cure it and many trips to docs and two hospitals.i was given antibiotics,and was told if this didn't work I would need an operation,needless to say after a few days I was cured,

Why not try antibiotics first,

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I constantly wear ear defenders at work after having a few scares.

I remember after clubbing one night I couldn't hear anything besides ringing. It took over a week to recover and I admit I was really worried and haven't been in a club since .

I've also removed the sub, amp and extra speakers from my van.

Glad your sorted tho ;)

I know what you mean,

I went to a rifle shoot a couple of years ago and there was some right selfish R se with a VW van doing his best to damage his and everybody else's hearing.....

Edited by TaxiDriver
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