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very strange occurance..


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My Brother-in-Law has a small pond on his allotment that is full of tadpoles. They've been there months and never developed limbs or shown any intention of leaving home. Over here we've got fledgling blue tits and a wood pigeon nest building. Strange year.

I think that I have seen somewhere that some animals if the conditions are not good for them to progress in there metamorphose they can stay as they are until maybe the weather conditions are correct for them to move on it was on one of the nature programs on TV.

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I think that I have seen somewhere that some animals if the conditions are not good for them to progress in there metamorphose they can stay as they are until maybe the weather conditions are correct for them to move on it was on one of the nature programs on TV.


So when this Frog that jumped into the flames decides its all going to be good, is it just a matter of,,,,,


Just add water

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Twice i have seen toads on the same stretch of beach at Bawdsey purposly hop/crawl down the beach and swim off strongly out to sea. Why would they do that? Surely certain death? Another time found a live healthy toad in an empty 5L paint tin left in the middle of my parth over night and wondered how it could of got there? Several years ago i found the mummyfied bodies of a frog or toad and a mouse in a yogart pot on a shelf in my shed. A robin hopped into the running blades of my mower when i was emptying the grass box. Very strange. And we wonder why there's less critters about! NB

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what i forgot to add which was of equal surprise was....when it took its final massive leap into the fire....it turned its head to me and said "Hay yeu gort a lite boi"


it was after all a true Norfolk frog...............................


completely understandable, shows what tobbacco addiction can do, did you look for his Gauloises stash

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So when this Frog that jumped into the flames decides its all going to be good, is it just a matter of,,,,,


Just add water

You my friend are not following the plot I was replying to UKPoachers post not about the frog/tod jumping in to the fire there the frog probably mistook the fire for water with the late day redish sun reflected in it.


People do lots of strange things why would anyone risk there life to climb a mountain when it has been climed many times before why do people go to the north pole in the freezing cold why do people swim the channel all seem quite pointless but that is what people do.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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