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storing family members shotgun


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We both have up to-date shotgun certificates. My son in-law is moving in with us for his house re-building project.

His shotgun will be stored in my cabinet.


What is the legal and best way to do this, should we sign his gun onto my cert?

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We both have up to-date shotgun certificates. My son in-law is moving in with us for his house re-building project.

His shotgun will be stored in my cabinet.


What is the legal and best way to do this, should we sign his gun onto my cert?

Notify your local FEO or install a second cabinet that only he has keys for. Either way the local Firearms Department must be made aware, to do things legally. Depends how long he is staying for really.

Edited by Westley
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Some time ago when the specifications of cabinets changed, my cabinet was deemed not suitable for storage of a shotgun (although it had been fine for twenty years before that). I arranged with the local firearms department to keep my shotgun at a mates house around the corner. There was no problem about this, since as we both only had shotguns at that time, and since you can posses a few of these on a certificate, as long as the police had a record of where the gun was, and as long as they had confidence that it was secure and only accessible by a person with an appropriate certificate there was no problem. Around here, the police have over more than forty years with only one exception, been extremely fair and reasonable in dealing with nay requests I have made.


The only exception was about 28 years ago just after some lunatic ran amok around a local suburb and shot two policemen with his father's licensed shotgun. Then as I was renewing my firearms certificate, we had some trouble with a particular officer, who was rude and objectionable to my wife, demanded access at 11 o'clock at night to my gun cabinet OF MY WIFE when I was away on business which she refused and could not have lawfully done anyway, and he actually wrote and said he was going to refuse my certificate on grounds that shooting once a fortnight in summer and once a month in the bad weather, was not good reason for possession ...... I wrote back to him quoting the firearms acts and threatening court action if he refused and the certificates duly arrived a week later.


This was the one and only case where I had anything less than courteous, sensible interaction with the police over forty one years of mixed shotgun and part one firearms possession and use.

Edited by Evilv
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