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Another bad day for Hilary


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I met his dad for dinner. He gave me a copy of his book to be a Daniel. What an amazing guy. So many stories to tell, his conspiratorial view of the world was akin to that of PW contributors. :yes:


He was probably right about all the conspiracy. When you think that he was in Cabinet during the Cold War. That's the time when we were being told that the Russkies were technologically ahead of the Yanks so the Yanks could justify arming themselves to the teeth with nukes.


Remember at that time all the 'technologically advanced' Russians who were desperate for Western $s and £s to keep their economy afloat could export were Zenith cameras and Lada cars :rolleyes:

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Maybe Blair, with the millions he has made on the back of his time as PM will do it. But then again he maybe thinks he needs to hold on to it for number one!


You mean Saint Anthony? He's about to be cannonised didn't you know?


They are just looking for a suitable cannon to fire him from :lol:

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But isn't that what democracy is all about? The members of any party decide on what they are supporting and believe in. If any individual or group don't follow or Agee with They either get in line or find another home. Now I'm not sure that the labour party realises that whenever an election is called that although they are fervent in their stance they are going to be nearly wiped out like the liberal party was. The Liberals got near to a point of balance and then sold their soul to the devil to get their snouts in the feed trough. How many years will they be in the political wilderness because of this decision? Although Theresa May says that this parliament will run its full term, will she call a snap election to get a personal mandate and flatten the opposition to a small number of MPs?

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