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An Appeal

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Language evolves, true, but not always for the better.


While the widespread misuse of "literally" (usually in place of "figuratively") can be amusing ("I literally **** myself laughing"), it means there is literally no alternative word to convey that an incredible statement is an actuality.


It may seem like pedantry to moan about the misuse of "head" but this term is already in use in describing another part of the cartridge (or more specifically, cartridge case.)


If case-head separation occurs when you fire your gun does this describe:


A) the projectile leaving the case and travelling down the barrel in the desired fashion?

B) the result of dangerously high pressure causing catastrophic failure of the case?

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Sorry to be an **** but case head separation is not always necessarily caused by excessive cartridge over pressure

True enough- I've seen this with brass fired in a "generous chamber" then overworked during FL sizing in a "tight die". Incorrect annealing can also contribute (accidentally annealing the web.)


Hmm. "Generous chamber" and "tight die" sound like euphemisms for something.

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True enough- I've seen this with brass fired in a "generous chamber" then overworked during FL sizing in a "tight die". Incorrect annealing can also contribute (accidentally annealing the web.)


Hmm. "Generous chamber" and "tight die" sound like euphemisms for something.


Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more""

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For all those still insistent on calling cartridges, bullets and bullets, heads I have a fantastic infographic planned! Unfortunately, this one is a little more involved as I'm having to take the concept of shoulder, neck and 'head' to it's ultimate nadir.


Preexisting terms for things like case head (which will become foot) can no longer be used; terms like 'case head separation' are now a good thing, but bullet case foot fracture - bad. The cartridge case rim becomes the ankle, the web the 'knee' and we can finally discuss things that make a lot more anthropomorphic sense, like 'my bullet case broke at the knee'. The names for parts of a bullet (now 'head') will be done away with, and we'll continue the naming convention so that previously titled 'boat tail bullets' will be called 'chinned' whereas those with a flat base become 'chinless wonders'. The bearing surface will become known as the 'face', the ogive becomes the 'eyebrow' and the radius, previously and confusingly tangent or secant (yeah, like that makes sense!) becomes the forehead - simples. The tip or metplat simply becomes the crown as it's the very top of the 'head'. We can have capped crowns (ballistic tip) or bald crowns (soft point) or empty crowns (hollow point).


This should make perfect sense and, as terms move on, we should all be able to 'get over' this. :good:


I cannot wait to load heads into my newly named bullet cases, making bullets with an accurate measurement taken from the foot to the eyebrow (F2E) or to the crown (F2C) and providing overall length measurements in terms of BOL (bullet overall length). While I'm about it, it's about time I went metric too, so powder weights will no longer be provided in grains but rather grams and measurements will now be in millimetres only. This is the simplification we, in the UK, have all be waiting for.

Edited by mick miller
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  • 2 weeks later...

In three army the word 'rounds' covers everything. Magazines are loaded with 30 rounds. The rounds strike the target etc.


Bullets 'heads' is just plain wrong and makes me angry. Along with people using "less" when they mean "fewer".


Me too. And it really ****** me off when people start substituting numbers for the definite article - it's so unclear....


Lol only joking! Good one! :D

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