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Planet earth 2


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Watched planet earth 2 last night, the lion that tried to bring down the giraffe, brilliant filming, these Attenborough wild life series just keep getting better and those locus would take some getting of the crops, number 9 shot maybe?

If I remember right they eat 50 thousand tons of food a day!

Edited by old'un
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thanks, I thought my eyes were playing up. Guess they had to track them some how in such a vast desert. Would explain the lack of success as the drugs used to dope them clearly weren't performance enhancing

First one I saw, I thought was a young male with a messed up mane.. Haha then saw they all had it and then could see it was collars

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the lions are part of an ongoing study, it's been going on fair few years. the desert lions are at risk of dying out - mostly due to a chronic lack of genetic diversity. they're trying to work out how much crossover potential there is between the the various prides dotted across the namib.


bbc doing what they do best, finding new ways to film potentially old-hat subjects.

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