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Browning 325 barrel selector


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I am new to shooting and am waiting for my license at the moment. I have recently brought a second hand browning 325 on my friends license (don't worry he is looking after until i get my license). we were out shooting a few clays today and i realised that the barrel selector was set to the under barrel first.


My first question is should I use the under barrel or over barrel for the first shot? (It has fixed chokes)


I tried to push the barrel selector switch over to the over position but it would not move. I tried with the safety on and off, gun open and closed.

Am I doing something wrong? How do I move the barrel selector switch?


I am sure when i went to look at the gun I had the same problem but the guy I brought it off moved it over to the other position.


The gun did originally have an automatic safety, but the previous owner had it altered so it doesnt come on after every shot.

He gave the part that was removed from the automatic safety.

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Personal preference for your initial barrel; most shoot bottom battle, however. Reason being, normally your open choke is bottom barrel and top barrel is tight choke - logic being, if you miss the bird with your first barrel and it flares you'll need a tighter choke for the extra distance.



You should be able to change the barrel selector with the gun open or closed - it just HAS to be in the safe position. :good:


Happy shooting :)



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Yep bottom barrel 1st usually. Puts the recoil into your shoulder and reduces barrel flip. If you shoot top barrel 1st the recoil COULD flip the gun up on recoil and make it harder to get on the target for the 2nd barrel.

Thats the theory anyway

Edited by Mr.C
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You are obviously a beginner novice by you questions. The whole point of shooting at a target is to be accurate and be on that target. If you are on target it doesn’t matter which barrel you use to a degree. The point of barrel selection has been covered in the previous post. If you are shooting clays you only load up when in the shooting cage so you don’t want a safety to be on and miss a target. This is why the previous had the safety link removed. If you are game shooting or walking up you have an auto safety so that every time you open the gun to reload you don’t end up walking along with a loaded gun with no safety on. As above the safety has to be in the rear safe position and then the selector switch will move from over to under ect. Then when you have selected the barrel order the safety is slid forward to fire that barrel. Be careful and think safety. Have fun and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Better to ask and be safe. Always unload / break the gun because it will always be in fire mode unless you select safe.

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To change which barrel fire fires put the barrel selector / safety switch (it's a duel purpose switch, it moves forward backwards and side to side deepening if it's it the gun safe position) to the safe position. Once in the safe position you can then move the switch side wards to select which barrel you want to fire first, then move the switch back into the ready to fire position.


Repeat the sequence when you want to change the barrel selection again, if it does not do this the gun could want checking over.

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Is it an auto safety (every time you brake the gun and close it the safety is on? Or if you set the safety off does it stay off if you open and close then gun)?

it was auto safety originally. But the original owner had it altered so it isnt auto safety now.


Just incase, don't chance it with safety.

The safety works fine. I just couldnt move it over to the side to select the other barrel first.

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Slitly of subject i shoot top barrel first if i shoot bird with top barrel gun does not have to open so far so i can load top quicker.who said you have to use bottom barrel firts its quite easy to put chokes in the way you want.i us inproved in both barrel and i dont miss a lot i was shoot in midwales tuesday taking birds 60 yards quite easy.this lot with chokes is a load of bull.

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Slitly of subject i shoot top barrel first if i shoot bird with top barrel gun does not have to open so far so i can load top quicker.who said you have to use bottom barrel firts its quite easy to put chokes in the way you want.i us inproved in both barrel and i dont miss a lot i was shoot in midwales tuesday taking birds 60 yards quite easy.this lot with chokes is a load of bull.

He might not find it so easy to put chokes in.as it's a fixed choke.;-)

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My comment was not on about him just every body keeps on about chokes one lad on one shoot i go to is always on about is chokes he keeps blaming them if he misses.wh6at iwas trying to say who said you have.to use bottem barrel

He convention of firing the bottom first is not to do with chocking but the way the recoil effects the muzzle, many trap guns have no selector they shoot bottom first..... chokes effect the pattern that's all if you miss you miss! A dust ball and a chip can be down to choke and on live quarry too open pattern can mean injured birds rather than dead ones...... too dense a pattern can ruin the meat for the table


SXS the front trigger is generally left barrel?

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Browning/Miroku safe's will only change over in the on safe position .It may have been set so that it will not change over , or it could be one of several other minor things. Best have it looked at by a competent gunsmith to be sure .I have had dozens of these guns apart and there is not a lot to go wrong.

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He convention of firing the bottom first is not to do with chocking but the way the recoil effects the muzzle, many trap guns have no selector they shoot bottom first..... chokes effect the pattern that's all if you miss you miss! A dust ball and a chip can be down to choke and on live quarry too open pattern can mean injured birds rather than dead ones...... too dense a pattern can ruin the meat for the table


SXS the front trigger is generally left barrel?

I read this and it states >>the FRONT trigger is genarally left barrel



I do but it's a single trigger ......... Hence the question

Yeah I understand that now, but that's not how it reads. it states front which would indicate back trigger also.



On a left handed gun the same or reversed?

That is true on a selective single trigger

Anyway the front trigger of two triggers is the right barrel and the back one is left barrel. Some of these guns have a marvelous computer system that sees the target, assesses the range. speed, angle and distance, then automaticlly selects which barrel would be the best option tracks the target and fires the gun following through to keep the lead on the target.

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