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mick miller

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I really don't know what expectation people have from this sort of petition. It is nothing other than fretful hand wringing and another example of our mad clamour to introduce even more legislative burden.


It is already an offence to assault someone and whether it has a specific offence code with greater consequence it will not change anything, but of course it achieves publicity and allows people to believe they are making a difference.

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Mick, I'm really not against it in principle, but in practice it makes a nice snappy soundbite and no meaningful difference.


NHS staff in Scotland are still abused despite the specific offence.


The abuse of NHS staff is of course a very real concern, however so is the abuse of staff on trains, shop assistants, traffic wardens, etc.

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The abuse of NHS staff is of course a very real concern, however so is the abuse of staff on trains, shop assistants, traffic wardens, etc.

I understand your point however, I think assault on blue light services often has larger ramifications, for instance fire service turn up to but a burning building out but are prevented due to being assaulted by louts, doctor who is needed to perform urgent surgery is taken out of action by drunk idiot assaulting them resulting in someone losing their life ect, if a shop assistant is assaulted (and I'm not minimising it here, still a disgusting crime that should be backed by the full weight of the law) the further ramifications mentioned earlier are not likely to effect further people to suffer loss of life. To sum up, I belive emergency services do require specific protection, whether or not a harsher punishment would prevent them being assaulted is another argument (one that I personally agree with you, I don't feel it would offer them any extra protection)

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I understand your point however, I think assault on blue light services often has larger ramifications, for instance fire service turn up to but a burning building out but are prevented due to being assaulted by louts, doctor who is needed to perform urgent surgery is taken out of action by drunk idiot assaulting them resulting in someone losing their life ect, if a shop assistant is assaulted (and I'm not minimising it here, still a disgusting crime that should be backed by the full weight of the law) the further ramifications mentioned earlier are not likely to effect further people to suffer loss of life. To sum up, I belive emergency services do require specific protection, whether or not a harsher punishment would prevent them being assaulted is another argument (one that I personally agree with you, I don't feel it would offer them any extra protection)

The judge has this liberty already as attacking a vulnerable person, or a nurse etc is aggravating factors.

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The judge has this liberty already as attacking a vulnerable person, or a nurse etc is aggravating factors.

True although they are still bound by the normal sentencing tariffs for instance a section 20 ABH is a max 5 years (in reality 2.5 in prison 2.5 out on licence), by creating a new law they could give a much tougher sentence, but I digress. Petition signed.
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