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Heads up. Big game hunting


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From what I've seen so far the programme has been well balanced. Sometimes it is **** law that the shot goes wrong. It's just unfortunate. I see that they are using her as a gun bearer. She looks like she could do with a big plate of wildebeast stew. And the help of one of those big black fellows to carry the gun.

Edited by fortune
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I think that the programe was pretty heavily edited. like when the guide had his walkie talkie on in his pocket and how all those birds flushed like that. I cant see her ever pulling off a shot like that with the scope eye relief miles out. Suddenly the Americans weren't in the programe. Perhaps they thought that she was corupting the boy's mind and he didn't want to shoot anymore. Mind you I remember Gordon Ramsey going on a deer stalk and he couldn't pull the hammer on an easy target. every excuse under the sun was pulled on that one. The sun was in his eyes ect, ect. I also remember the lads taking the Mick saying Fanny Craddock wouldn't have had a problem letting the hammer go.

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The only person I saw corrupting that child's mind was his 'no pressure father'

The fat bloke who said he'd been on about 50 hunts,I wonder how many of them he left wounded to wander around for hrs in pain.As for his claim to shooting rabbits well I think they are quite safe.

Edited by Davyo
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Didn't see it but why are we suprised at the broadcast of anything that presents us generally in the worst possible light?


Especially so when we look at who was the broadcaster?

My thoughts exactly they only tend to show the bad people not the good ones that can make a fast kill with one shot having said that there are a lot of larger animals that I do not like to see killed.

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I missed the 1st 10-15mins, but while some of the shooting/markmanship wasn't very good.it does happen,

How many of u shoot live game with a shotgun? Anyone that does can't really critise. But it didn't look good


Must admit not a fan of bows and don't know much about compond bows but it did look quite a big strong wilderbest for such a small lad to kill with an arrow, even the penetration into the beast didn't look that far, even if shot placement was better i don't think it would of penetrated far enough esp if it coaught the shoulder.

Possibly the by was just to yooung for such strong animal



To be fair to the lass she seemed to change her stance slightly, with better hunters and clean kills it might of moved further, think her biggest problem was the animals suffering which i think most on here would also agree with, just unfortunate she only seen the 1 cean kill.

I think the rhino breeding reserve speaking up for the benefits on hunting and its conservation value probably helped more than anything else.


While her eye relief didn't look good, if the scope was zeroed with her eye like that it should still be accurate and will a lot of boys that use ad on NV gear not have similar.eye relief?

I missed the part where she was shooting at targets, althou some of her gun handing coulsd off been safer, muzzle slippping down her back and carryiing it upright with both hand below butt, it could off fell forward quite easily with a slight trip

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