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Just been told the stupidest thing

team tractor

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Young lad where I used to work and his mates came up with a mini craze. Order tequila with the slice of lime and salt, eat the lime then the salt and put the tequila glass over your eye (eye open) before drinking it.


He had one red raw bloodshot eye for a week+


Removal from the gene pool was highly recommended.

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I shaved my bits when I got an electric shaver for Christmas. I was about 14. Never again don't anyone try it. !!!I was walking round like I'd got crabs or something.

I wondered why you walked like that mate!

Edited by Fisheruk
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We were in a nightclub in Brum many years ago and a guy in our company (no not me ! Honest guv!) had pulled......he hurriedly disappeared alone to his car to 'preen' then came back in and promptly disappeared again with the female object of his attention.....we found out later that nothing had happened, as when he went out to his car he liberally doused himself, including his old man with aftershave or somelike, and was in agony....some days later when his manhood ceased stinging it apparantly shed its skin like a snake!! Did we rib him?.........of course we did....for months! Lol!

True story!


Good job that he didn't park his weapon into her holster or else they would be impersonating a pack of coyotes.


When at middle school we had a competion to see who could pee over the top of the urinal wall,loads of screams from the girls sitting on other side.

The first year at my primary school we had a wall and it was commonplace for the lads to see how high or even right over the wall into the caretakers garden. One day his wife was heard to say that the caretaker should get the washing in because she had just felt some spots of rain. Lovely. At the end of the first year they incorporated a new facility into a new block.


Another stupid thing that went through a phase was to see if you could hold a burning fag on a five pound note on the back of the hand. If it burnt a hole through the note the fiver was yours. The result was a really bad burn that took weeks to heal up and left a big round burn wound scar usually mauve, blue. No one ever won the fiver. The note didn't have a mark on it!!

Edited by fortune
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There was a few lads at school who would lay on their backs in a star shape, heads touching and take it in turns throwing darts up in the air, lots of times darts would end up being pulled out of various body parts . Large groups would gather to watch it happen too, which only seemed to spur them on.

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