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Rat in a House Dilema


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My cat every year brings in half a dozen or so rats as presents. It plays with them, then either offers them to us or gets tired of the game leaving them to run free. Frankly I am fed up of putting on welding gloves and wrestling with the little scamps until they are secured in a bucket, box etc. Speed and ease is my primary goal because at 2 am I don't want to be chasing rats around the house. Would a cage trap be the best solution? A conventional trap would pose a risk to the the cat and an air rifle at 1-2m would probably do some damage to the house.

I caught one this morning using a piece of drain pipe. I herded the rat into it before up ending it so it couldn't get out so the cage trap should work. Any other ideas?





Edited by arm3000gt
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Thanks for the suggestions but the cat has to stay. I think I will go with the rat trap then buy an air rifle and dispatch outside. It's at least I'll get an air rifle out of it.

I've no idea where the cat gets the rats from. I've never seen any in the garden so the cat must bring them from further afield. Anyway there is two less rats about this week anyway.

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Seriously, how do you intend to get mauled rats to enter a cage trap? Food? Unlikely! It will frightened and because of this, will not be looking for food but to exit the building as quickly as possible!

As long as there are still rats there, the cat will keep going back to the place where the rats are harbouring, as you suspect that could be quite a distance from you house?

So there will probably be more unwelcome house guests?


My suggestion would be to stop the cat entering the house freely by controlling its access......for example....put a bolt on the cat flap and only let it in if it isn't carrying a little "playmate"


Sort of puts the jokers on the new air rifle....sorry!...........Or even mockers!

Edited by panoma1
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I would try and herd the rat into the trap like the I did the drain pipe. I was going to cover it with a bin bag so as the rat runs around, the trap being the darkest hidy hole type place it would go in there. The cat now has a bell so hopefully that will might do the trick. See how tonight plays out. If we lock the catflap the cat goes mental so this would be a last resort.

It is a small consolation that it hasn't brought a pigeon in, in quite some time.

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The bells don't stop them catching anything but at least you will know when it returns home with it's new play mate, not sure if it would work but could you put a cage or similar on inside of door so cat and rat can't run around the house, realise you would need small holes to stop the rat getting away

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