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Road potholes


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Velocette must live in a different world to the rest of us :lol: the surface level is raised more like 20mm round this way and over the last few years it has been done more than once on parts of the A38. The road gangs have tapered it off a little towards the edge so they don`t need to raise the drain covers ( this increases the camber ) but the ironwork in the main carriageway has in some cases been left lower than the surface causing motorists to swerve around on a 60mph road. As for data ( I read evidence ) we bought a used Jaguar for the wife about three years back with about 50000 miles on it which was near mint with new tyres and after about 12000 miles driving it into work along the A38 and A370 which has also been resurfaced in a similar way it was covered in chips and all 4 tyre`s needed replacing that is all the data I need.

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yeh, I tend to go with what I see, I travel a fair bit on the roads and I can confirm they are worse than terrible, I don't need to debate with established facts.


Everything goes back to mismanaged basics, the various governments over the last 50 years have been preoccupied with pleasing everybody but their own.


Your transport, energy, economy, law and order and health..........they are the number 1.

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Where to start,,,the chip is usually 6mm and is spread evenly over the surface,,so the camber is exactly as it was before. The increased depth of ironwork is the same,,6mm,,which is negligible in the scheme of things. If it gets too deep then the gully or manhole has to be relaid. The tyre wear is a consequence of having a surface with a safe coefficient of friction,,,,its grippier . As for rubber dust being significantly bad for the environment,,,I'd rather be safe, but would be interested in seeing the supporting data for your claim.

Not sure about the environment,but if you google rubber chippings laid on astro turf 5 a side pitches and you will see what serious health issues are involved.

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