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EE Broadband


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Anyone out there had any dealings with EE ,fibre broadband, telephone and TV package?, looking to change and not sure which to go for

SKY, BT, or EE can't get Virgin in Norfolk.I am with Sky TV at the moment (expensive) and BT phone and broadband.The speed of which on a good day with

a following breeze is about 2 Mgb.

Any advice apart from moving?

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Been with them for years, no problems.

Now don't mention BT, just finished with them after they started charging £5 a month for email accounts. Unbelievably hard task for them.


BT is appalling, can't understand anything they say.


BRITISH telecoms what joke.

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Been with EE for Broadband for over a year and mobiles since they merged from Orange/Tmobile. No problems. Sky BB kept dropping out but no problems with EE and UK customer service but I know Norfolk is still in the damp clay and pointy stick age for BB and Mobile so I'm not sure how good they'll be for you.

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