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Cats of a Differant Nature

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Have been reading through some old threads about big cats in the UK. Having seen some of the country that is available aswell as the abundance of game that is about I believe that cats could exist in the wild very easily there. Now the arguments about the hound packs never put them up so they dont exsist does not wash with me as I have been a Whip and know just how much noise a field makes and that would push the cats along well before anyone was close. I also know how shy and reclusive cats are. Also unless hounds are bred and trained to run cats exclusively there is very little chance of them running one, just like they do not run deer.


So what I am wondering is has anyone come across uncommon kills while out and about? Something where the skin is inside out, and the meat taken from bones but skelton intact? or any other evidance...such as actual tracks the ones with no claws present?



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I've heard a few third hand accounts of sightings, deer carcasses in trees and the like but nothing concrete.


I think they could well be out there but not too many.


I don't read about it too much as I go lamping a fair bit and don't want to be thinking about getting stalked myself :blink:


I used to carry a folding lock knife and now carry a fixed blade - like that will help :lol:

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Here we go again :lol:


you know my thoughts, they are there, they do kill, they dont get caught to often, my thread a while back ran a line about a kill not far from my house by a local game keeper, I was shot down by many so check out the thread and decide for yourself!



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Stuart Skinner shot a leopard cat on the Isle of Wight after thinking it was a rampaging fox that had been taking ducks and chickens from a farm on the Island. He did not report the incident for several months thinking he had shot a protected species. (1993)


Thats a bit bad if it was!!!The ol thing of know what your shooting at!!! :blink: :blink: :lol:



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Stuart Skinner shot a leopard cat on the Isle of Wight after thinking it was a rampaging fox that had been taking ducks and chickens from a farm on the Island. He did not report the incident for several months thinking he had shot a protected species. (1993)


Thats a bit bad if it was!!!The ol thing of know what your shooting at!!! :lol::/:lol:





This begs the question,


what would you do if you had a big cat in range and was shootable, would you shoot it?


Personally I would be concerned that if for any reason it was not dropped and escaped wounded there would be hell to pay as it would no doubt start attacking goats and punker wallahs!!


:lol: D2D

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:yes: They are 100% here. One of my shoots I wont go on without a shottie, even though Im airgun shooting. I joined 2 years ago, the previous year, bionicle was walking thro the shoot with a mate, richard, when opposite in a field, approx 300yards wide(will measure next time Im there) Bionicle saw what he described as a jet black labradour, they looked at it thro Richards mkiii with an ags scope on and Richard said that it was far too big to be a dog. It sloped of around some bushes and they failed to follow it ( I would have). The next "sighting" Richard was sitting on a concrete block loading his magazine for the mkiii, with a shottie on his back when the cat walked past approx 20yards from him, he said it didnt even look at him, if it had decided to eat him he would have been a sitting duck, as despite the shottie, he was rooted to the spot. Later in the same season they found a muntjac carcass which looked like it had been shot thro the temples, ie an entry wound one side and an exit the other, the carcass had been picked clean apart from the neck and head. The thing which didnt immediately occur to them was the head wound, both sides were the same , which lead me to the conclusion that it wasnt a gunshot wound, though the land is cleared for .243, no-one in the club ownes one.

In January the following year i joined, Bionicle and I mooched round on a freezing day as saw nowt, we were about to call it a day when there was a big pile of steaming deer poo by the path, i suggested we follow the disturbed leaves and "TRACK" THE MUNTIE. wHICH WE DID, WE THEN CAME TO A RABBIT FENCE AND OVER IT WE FOUND TINY DEER TRACKS, THEN AFTER 20-30 YARDS WE FOUND A BIG FLATTENED PATCH OF MUD, WITH IMPRINTS OF HAIR ON IT, leading up to this were prints the size of my hand which had no claw marks, the other side was a drag mark to the rabbit fence, which had a load of deer hairs on it then nothing, not a trace, all of this must have happenned merely 50-60 yards ahead of us, hence why i take the shottie at all times. Im under no illusions, it probably wont ever come anywhere near me, let alone attack me. I havent seen IT but I have seen very clear eveidence and 2 people i trust implicitley have seen it, not to mention the shoot manager, the farmer and 3 other members of the shoot. Id love to see it, and would never attempt to shoot it unless i thought i was on the menu. :good:

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100% Certain/dogs lives on it, seen one very local to me. Was in the motor with my pal from down hertford way and he was not shcoked in the slightest about it as he has seen a couple.


i wont go onabout it though as people may think i am mad............. :good:

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