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P.O. Robbery 2017

Sha Bu Le

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Hi All


Some may remember a post I made way back in January regarding an attempted PO robbery in Sunderland. I was a witness to this, a shotgun was dropped during their escape which landed around 3 metres away and pointing at my legs........flipping scary.


Anyhoos the cops got them and they've been on remand since, they had their day in court yesterday. Both pleaded guilty (hope of a lighter sentence), They were sentenced today at Newcastle Crown Courts.


One got 10 and a half years the other got nine years, more than I expected (in these days of hearts on sleeves liberal justice) but not as much as I had hoped for.


Still they are out of circulation for maybe 5 (ish) years


Now here's the funny bit (I think)


Talking to Mrs SBL a naughty thought crossed my mind. ..............They should be brought into the courtroom and into the dock with the theme music from the Keystone Cops chases (if anyone is old enough).


There should be a choir of 12 kids in the jury box who on cue stand up and start singing "your going down your going down ee aye addyo your going down. Don't drop the soap, don't 'drop the soap ee aye addyo don't drop the soap" While doing the Mrs Doyle pointy finger bit.


Sentence is then passed and they are led out to the Abbot and Costello music. (for those old enough to remember). Think the embarrassment would be better than 10 strokes of a birch. Maybe then they would be good boys but I doubt it. and of course we cannot compromise the dignity of our courts and judges.


But what an hilarious thought, anyhoos episode over, did not have to attend court which Mrs SBL was a tad worried about, I am one of only three people in Sunderland carrying my family name and (at last count one of only 54 in the UK with my full name) Easy to find, Mrs SBL was worried that friends/relatives of the crims may try for some payback. Does that still happen outside of organised gangs??

Edited by Sha Bu Le
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Sbl, I am having a similar issue as yourself. I took someone out at the start of the year who was mid stabbing someone in the face. Thankfully I knocked him out to stop him squirming and getting away whilst still armed. He was arrested and what not however he may still plea not guilty in which case I have to go to court. Now I work from 8 til 7 and I don't want my Mrs in the house on her own (thankfully I have 2 big dogs that keep people out) but that's besides the point. I know how your feeling but the best thing you can do is not worry about it, you start fretting then it will get on top of you! Good luck with the future

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Hendrix's Rifle


Very well done for intervening, you may have saved someone's life. Re guilty or not pleas, the two up here pleaded not guilty and maintained their 'innocence" right up until one day before the trial. I was on the train ti Newcastle when I got a not required call. So hopefully your perp will do similar, saves some worry. Whichever way it goes good luck and ATB to you.



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Similar thing years back with three morons on the met line mugging people for their phones, everything was denied until.the last possible moment when they realised the witness (me) wasn't going to back down and was happy to stand up in court and see it through when they all backed down and pleaded guilty

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