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Ever had one of those weekends where it all goes to pot


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This weekend has been one of those when I think I should maybe take up another hobby :) .


Went out Saturday night with the hornet to bag the few remaining bunnies attacking our cover crop. Not a lot about but saw one at 70 yards line up on the car door and pulled the trigger, missed and struck the ground next to him which gave him a shock but he got away unscathed.

Although I was on target and stable I figured it could have been me so settled down to see if he or a mate would emerge, after about twenty minutes another one pops in in the same spot so I line up carefully and fire again. Another miss this one closer than the first so bugs has a really close call this time and I am now concluding there is something up with the rifle either zero is knocked off or something else. As its getting dark I pack up and head home :unhappy: .


Sunday dawns so its off for a round of clays at the local club and one of the lads who works with me say he will tag along with us as he enjoyed clays a lot when he tried it out for the first time with us about a month ago. Now bear in mind this lad hadn't picked up a shotgun until last month and was borrowing my late uncles gun for the round but he shot out of his skin for a novice. He finished up with a respectable 52 ex 70 with me and my mate languishing in the 40s.


Think I may take up knitting.




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This weekend has been one of those when I think I should maybe take up another hobby :) .


Went out Saturday night with the hornet to bag the few remaining bunnies attacking our cover crop. Not a lot about but saw one at 70 yards line up on the car door and pulled the trigger, missed and struck the ground next to him which gave him a shock but he got away unscathed.

Although I was on target and stable I figured it could have been me so settled down to see if he or a mate would emerge, after about twenty minutes another one pops in in the same spot so I line up carefully and fire again. Another miss this one closer than the first so bugs has a really close call this time and I am now concluding there is something up with the rifle either zero is knocked off or something else. As its getting dark I pack up and head home :unhappy: .


Sunday dawns so its off for a round of clays at the local club and one of the lads who works with me say he will tag along with us as he enjoyed clays a lot when he tried it out for the first time with us about a month ago. Now bear in mind this lad hadn't picked up a shotgun until last month and was borrowing my late uncles gun for the round but he shot out of his skin for a novice. He finished up with a respectable 52 ex 70 with me and my mate languishing in the 40s.


Think I may take up knitting.


Since last August i also have been shooting like a blind man.


If you find a way to get the mojo back let me know.

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I'm on the best form I've ever had. Clays and rifles but that means I can only go one way.

I gave up shooting for around 8 years when I raced enduros /mx .

Everyone has **** days dude . I know you were getting stressed with your reloads but some time chilling at garlands with us wil help :)

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I'm on the best form I've ever had. Clays and rifles but that means I can only go one way.

I gave up shooting for around 8 years when I raced enduros /mx .

Everyone has **** days dude . I know you were getting stressed with your reloads but some time chilling at garlands with us wil help :)

Yep mate I intend to get to Garlands but have to miss next week as im working. As far as reloads go I am still waiting for my new scales as they are out of stock so I am back to factory for a bit. Oddly enough this was what I was shooting Saturday evening although I think it was probably the barrel being full of rubbish.

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Made me smile this one, never had a sgc (yet) but shot at clay stands and beaters days with various borrowed guns over the years, and nearly always finish in top three of our group that's been shooting, second on a high bird challenge with clay flung off the top of a quarry other folk were really not happy.


But that's the thing no pressure point pull bang easy?

Did this once at a game fair first 8 shots on the money big smiles from me everyone speechless missed next 8 behind I was told, everyone ripping me a New one, oops 😄

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Its a case of too much knowledge is a dangerous thing, it makes you over analyze the shot.

If it makes the op feel any better for twelve months I have struggled to hit anything with anything and would probably miss a cows backside with a shovel

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This weekend has been one of those when I think I should maybe take up another hobby :) .


Went out Saturday night with the hornet to bag the few remaining bunnies attacking our cover crop. Not a lot about but saw one at 70 yards line up on the car door and pulled the trigger, missed and struck the ground next to him which gave him a shock but he got away unscathed.

Although I was on target and stable I figured it could have been me so settled down to see if he or a mate would emerge, after about twenty minutes another one pops in in the same spot so I line up carefully and fire again. Another miss this one closer than the first so bugs has a really close call this time and I am now concluding there is something up with the rifle either zero is knocked off or something else. As its getting dark I pack up and head home :unhappy: .


Sunday dawns so its off for a round of clays at the local club and one of the lads who works with me say he will tag along with us as he enjoyed clays a lot when he tried it out for the first time with us about a month ago. Now bear in mind this lad hadn't picked up a shotgun until last month and was borrowing my late uncles gun for the round but he shot out of his skin for a novice. He finished up with a respectable 52 ex 70 with me and my mate languishing in the 40s.


Think I may take up knitting.




Oh yes, I can relate to this!


Have been shooting shotguns, rifles and bows for best part of 30 years and in that time I have always had off days. In fact inconsistent is my middle name when it comes to shooting. I have periods when my scores or kill rate goes up but next time round I cant hit a thing but I think I am probably my worst enemy as I tend to overthink my shooting. I also find that whilst having a nice collection of guns is great, I tend to pull whatever takes my fancy out of the cabinet so chop and change between a pump, auto, OU or SxS. Having stuck to my old Perazzi for a while though recently I have noticed things improving but I just cant resist grabbing my Mossberg or Auto-5 now and again and then things tend to go downhill!


That said I still enjoy every shot, good or bad hit or miss. I think I will only ever give up when shooting doesnt float my boat anymore but I dont think that is likely!

Edited by Wingman
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I can relate Wingman I am now down to one shotgun but shooting rifles a lot tends to kill me as I am not a natural clay shooter. Inconsistent big time for me my normal average at my local ground is about 48-52 ex 70 but like this week I have bad runs and then a few month back I was rocking the high 50s. It did as Mice said sting a bit with someone who hasnt held a shotgun apart from one.

On the bright side it wasnt my daughter as we have have a running bet that if she can beat me in a round I owe her £50! However its coming and when she does it I will be a very proud dad.

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I shot rifles (and handguns very briefly before the ban) exclusively for years and although I now only shoot shotguns, I find shotgun shooting counter intuitive. And trust me I have tried it all, lessons, expensive shotguns, cheap shotguns and hours of practice. I have even had my Perazzi custom fitted recently which has made a positive difference but I still don't expect to be A rated anytime soon!


Despite all of that I still dont think there is a finer feeling than walking around my permission in the summer sun with a shotgun, and spending a few stress free hours missing pigeons!!


Just hope the farm manager doesnt find out!!

Edited by Wingman
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Ha, my keeper calls me "worzel" as I don't hit many but I do a great job of scaring them off the crop

Refreshingly honest and with an injection of humour would lead me to think that you are a more accomplished shot than you are letting on. We all go through periods of peaks and troughs with our shooting.

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Why is it when you miss something straight forward its usually in front of people you want to impress?

Last year in the syndicate for a change I pulled a decent peg at just the right time on the duck drive and proceeded to miss everything that came over me as nerves got the better of me (also I am not great on game I think clays coupled with a lot of rifle shooting makes me overthink shots). I didnt hear the end of that for months.

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Why is it when you miss something straight forward its usually in front of people you want to impress?

Last year in the syndicate for a change I pulled a decent peg at just the right time on the duck drive and proceeded to miss everything that came over me as nerves got the better of me (also I am not great on game I think clays coupled with a lot of rifle shooting makes me overthink shots). I didnt hear the end of that for months.

Oh yes indeed. Over thinking the shot is often my downfall and also desperate to give my dog something to retrieve is also a good reason for missing easy uns 😞

Having no real comprehension of how long a five bar gate is, that's another 😁

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Glad its not just me then!!




Same here , if only our syndicate keeper was that polite , he quite often calls us something beginning with W but not Wurzel, especially when the 'easy' over head Pheasant keeps flying despite emptying both barrels !


It's all light hearted banter though and there is a lot of laughter on our shoot , the social side is excellent.


The syndicate shoots clays as a group through the Summer as well and I am lucky if I hit 50% , but the fact is that I just love it whether clays ,in a hide or on a peg.


Strange how you can enjoy something so much despite being a bit **** at it .

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