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A few weeks ago there was a post on my local village FB page about dogs attacking sheep and how the farmer had had to shoot one of the dogs. No response to this other than "poor sheep, poor farmer" etc.


Over the last week or so we have had issues with two large alsatians roaming around attacking people and other dogs. They were eventually caught yesterday and taken away by dog warden who said that the would be destroyed. Lots of posts on FB about the "poor dogs" and "couldn't they be re-trained/re-homed" etc.


I just don't get it.

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Following our experience earlier in the year with the ESS that we fostered, which viciously attacked us within 24hrs, and turned out attacked the origional owners wife, And a young couple who bought the dog and returned it same day just two days prior to it coming to us.

Spaniel Aid's only concern was to get the dog back for rehoming

I'm a dog lover but some peoples priorities seriously need readjusting.

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Wife visiting daughter in Carlisle earlier this week, she also looked in on my sister who lives next to a farmers

field. This is used for ewes with lambs up until around beginning of June and then after a short rest the field is given over to cows in or with calves.


My sister got told 3 boys 14 y.o. ish with a pit bull type dog put it in the field (field is fenced) among the cows and calves..........resulting in one dead calf (throat ripped open).


Farmer was informed and given a description of the boys as were the police. To date nothing seems to have happened except the same boys have again been seen near the field having a good look over it. Farmer had moved the cattle

elsewhere. Neighbours now watching for them.


Bad enough that untrained out of control dogs are attacking people, other dogs and livestock without what seems to be actively encouraging it. If caught it should be destroyed and the owners, or those in charge given big fines and ordered to compensate the farmer. Can't see it happening tho'

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The World is full of idiots spouting tripe such as:-


"Think of the children."


"There must be another way."


Whatever the problem, few actually address it, merely uttering platitudes.


That applies to just about every politician

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That's a worrying one Sbl don't think of calves being small, if a dog is willing to attack a calve can't think of anything it wouldn't have a go at.

It is indeed, there were a number of fairly new born calves there at the time (my sister actually watched 2 being born to a single cow a few days later)So I think maybe a calf only a few days old may not have been up to resisting a pit bull type dog in either strength or size.


What surprises me is the cows did not try to trample the dog to death but have no more feedback than Mrs SBL brought home.


Also found out; after the farmer moved the cows and calves he put a rather large bull in the field but moved it soon afterwards. I would have left it there especially if had a bad disposition.

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Also found out; after the farmer moved the cows and calves he put a rather large bull in the field but moved it soon afterwards. I would have left it there especially if had a bad disposition.


I wouldn't have left one of my bulls, worth many thousands of pounds each, in a field where it's likely to be bitten.


None of my bulls would react to a dog, cows with calves at foot are a different matter.

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It's really is terrible when dogs behave like this but worth remembering is a dog without rules and boundarys taught to it are only following their natural instinct to hunt (unless they've been taught to attack everything that moves which is even worse), they don't know the sheep, cows ECT are owned and they shouldnt do it, how would they? We're meant to be the intelligent race aren't we? My point is in 99.9% of cases a dog that behaved like the op has stated is the dog owners fault which is why people often feel sorry for the dog, it's a shame some of these dog owners can't be euthanized, it would certainly save the vast majority of these problem dogs!

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