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Charity shops


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Very good mate of mine goes round all the charity shops in areas where the old dears live and picks up cheap jewellery, this is not always hallmarked but quite often a very good maker / name stamp, his sister then sells it on evilbay etc and makes a reasonable living out of it. I do know that he has had several really good finds that have made him a couple of grand each time.




Edited by scobydog
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Mrs H regularly donates items to the PDSA. She gets given loads of things by her clients in the way of clothes/shoes/general stuff they no longer want nor need. Of all the charity shops she's given to they are the least fussy. A local hospice shop pretty much told her to come back the next day as they were just closing (15 minutes until closing, apparently) unless she had anything decent. She told them to get stuffed and would take it elsewhere. Another (Age UK) I would never trust. They were given, amongst other things, a first edition book of mine. By mistake on the part of both Mrs H & myself. Nothing of any great value, probably worth about £20 - £30, but in the short time it took (and I mean less than 2 hours) before I managed to get up there and try and get it back, only to find it was nowhere in site. They hadn't even put the items out but the bags were clearly rifled through so one can only assume one of the staff/volunteers obviously clocked it maybe thought it worth a few bob and so took it for themselves. Other than that I have no need to frequent them

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On 06/11/2017 at 15:04, AVB said:

A local charity shop that we use (local care home for epilepsy sufferers) sends me a statement every quarter summarising the amount that the items I have donated have raised. Which I think is a very good idea.  

Barnado's where we take our stuff also does this.   My wife always does the charity shops whenever we go somewhere.  Best bargain she ever found was a red fox jacket for 15 quid.  She knows about this sort of thing so bought it on the spot, not caring if it fitted her or not.  It didn't quite fit her, so she flogged it on Ebay for £250.  The shop she got it from was the PDSA!!!   They presumably didn't know it was real, something they could have found out if they'd bothered to look inside it.   I've heard that some shops still receive real fur items but that they flog them anonymously online.

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