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squirrel control


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Put some chopped carrots and maize out to try and pull the munties out but thanks to the camera found that the squirrels had found it and were not coming to the flip top 50yrds away.

Will be there at dawn tomorrow with finely tuned 17HMR as I have a high seat 50yrds away.  At least two showing all day.

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7 hours ago, sam triple said:

got a grey squirrel around us keeps trying to get into nesting box where blue tits are nesting with houses around me I cant use a shotgun so what air rifle do people recommend haven't got £100s to spend

Cage trap might be an idea??

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7 hours ago, sam triple said:

All the usual stuff that they feed on from bird table seeds nuts , caught a few rats in them from around chicken coupe before mr fox bit off all their heads and left them ,had to kill rats in cages which maybe why they won’t go near them ,I don’t know !

Won't be the rats I've done the same having caught squirrels and rats.

I have my trap set on a board so it doesn't move about when the squirrel goes in, others have said cover the trap in black plastic as this puts birds off from going in.

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I have 9 cages out and have made bird  peanut feeders at the far end , the small birds can come and go and act as decoys I believe.  Have caught many many tree rats in them. I use peanuts as a bait/feed for birds.  My small 10 acre wood is now virtually squirrel free but cost me a fortune feeding the songbirds but I don't mind that.  If a squirrel shows up it is normally dispatched within 48hrs as it gets caged or attracted to the food and dies of lead poisoning.  Get some peanut feeder wire mesh and make a full width box about 1 1/2 inches wide and top to bottom of the cage. Put the peanuts in this and the activity of the birds will draw the squirrel no problem.  All of my cages are mounted on posts about 3ft high with a piece of ply as a table.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been to look at a new pheasant shoot today and got speaking with the keeper, he pointed to this little array ...50 I believe, shot on his pheasant feeders. Reticent to actually book on the the forum himself wishing to remain annon.   Would I be cheating if I added his for him ?   I counted 48.


Edited by Walker570
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Very good, but its going to stink around there shortly, and there will be flies everywhere

4 hours ago, Walker570 said:

I have been to look at a new pheasant shoot today and got speaking with the keeper, he pointed to this little array ...50 I believe, shot on his pheasant feeders. Reticent to actually book on the the forum himself wishing to remain annon.   Would I be cheating if I added his for him ?   I counted 48.



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  • 2 months later...

Been a while since I've shot any squirrels, either been nothing about when I'm out or i haven't been out, finally got out this morning and it was raining again 😭😭 but it was only light thankfully.

Got in the hide for about 6am and had a squirrel turn up about 6:40ish, first time I've seen one on a feeder and not on camera in ages, probably because they've been getting topped up regularly @Fisheruk @Mick C well done fellas, dropped it off the feeder and gave it twenty minutes but nothing else came so got up to retrieve it...... Gone??

had a wander around the other feeders, all been emptied since the weekend, took another squirrel out of a conifer, it was very obliging just sat sat there probably thinking if i keep still he won't see me, wrong, whack!!

Anyone figured out how to quieten the impact noise of pellet meeting head?

sun came out about half 7 and i thought great, been reading on other sites with people saying the squirrels are in the pines eating green cones, but nothing moving just birds everywhere, tits , families of robins, tree creepers , wrens, blackbirds, pigeons, every tree seemed to be alive with bird life, makes trying to spot squirrels fun 😁


Keep at them fellas👍 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't think we'd had many squirrels on our patch this year, but had a look back and we're on 31 now, we took around 50 last year, so there obviously moving in from other areas.

Went out this morning and I think the only thing i didn't see was a squirrel, the tawny owl and sparrow hawk did a fly bye, with the hawk landing maybe twenty metres away and paying me no attention, had the usual small birds all over the place.

I was driven out of the hide by the mozzes trying to eat me, not easy sitting still when their dive bombing your eye balls.

On the Brightside because i moved and sat elsewhere i saw a roe doe walk past with her youngster in tow, again probably only twenty metres away, didn't even look my way 😃 

So up at the COD and saw no squirrels, then while the manager is making me a brew "there's two on the bird table, get your gun"  9am 😯 i could have got up at a reasonable hour, but other than the mozzes it was a great morning to be out.

then two of us did some work on one of the hides.


can you see it?

How is everyone else getting on numbers wise compared to last year?

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  • 3 months later...

I was going to shoot a couple of mags off before going out in the morning, but after three shots decided i was happy.

First shot hit the staple bang on, I just hope the squirrels are as obliging in the morning.


3 shots, not enough pellets left to blaze away having fun.

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Is that a short tailed tree rat I see two photos back.  I had one yestered. What appeared to be a non injured tail about two inches long. Can only asume lost when in the nest because it looked perfect in every way apart from the length.  Knowing how they use their tails to balance that must have been a disadvantage. Still it doesn't have that problem anymore.

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