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Ouch, I got a bady...


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Right, so I am a class A fool.


On Monday I had a shoot, was a beaters day at a local shoot. So geared up, dog in tow, he can be a bit of a whiner on peg, so I put a can of air in the car as that has stopped him barking in the mornings. Get to the first drive. He is good as gold, sits quietly watching whats going on, second drive he is a little more excited so had to spray the air a couple times.. 


Then the third drive, where the school boy error occured... Sprayed air once, dog goes quiet, put can in pocket so I can concentrate on drive, brilliant hen pheasant comes towards me and I take her out in front, she lands two foot behind me. When I  go to pick her up I hear a loud hissing sound and see a cloud of mist from my left leg, then the pain starts.... The aerosol can lid wasnt on and my bent leg had pushed the nozzel... I practically frooze my thigh.. I've never felt anything like it... 


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Just now, Mr gen said:

Ouch indeed that's proper frost bite I think you might be picking at that for quite a while. how did the behave for the rest of the day??

Dsmn spaniel was best he has ever been on peg... Almost didn't need the spray... 

Now my leg is just a stinging mess and he is a smug little....... 

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52 minutes ago, figgy said:

Pure gold can of air to keep the dog quiet same can of air makes you noisy. Looks painful, will be an itchy bitch when it scabs over.

How did the rest of your days shooting go?

Yeah, night mare, i did this and a mate went waist deep into the edge of a ditch. Was a fun beaters day. The day was good, just a little painful. 

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