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Help with my Questionnaire

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I am looking for some help from anyone in the shooting community to fill out my Questionnaire.

I am currently working on a project at university looking into shooting patterns and behaviours. I shoot myself but very rarely and therefore I am struggling to find enough people to fill out my Questionnaire for me. 

I would be so grateful if anyone would spare a minute to fill out my quick survey. If you could then email it to me at megaslett@outlook.com that would be very much appreciated. 

Thank you for your time 

Questionnaire No1.docx

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Frankly, I wouldn't participate in this without knowing the purpose of the project, your data useage and protection strategy and seeing evidence of your University Ethics Committee approval.

You might think about using Survey Monkey rather than asking folks to return a word document (really hard to circle answers!).

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Got to be honest, I don't like your questions.

They are not the sort of questions someone asks in relation to shooting trends and behaviors. The questionnaire seems to center on lead shot and its use.

Also there is the issue of possible license holders giving out their personal information, contact number, email and address.

@David BASC

Edited by Brad93
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Given there seems to be a whole bunch of denial and stasi rules disallowing free speech and normal behavior in lefty taught universities, I'm mildly suspicious of how a student might miss construe and twist things around to suit their twisted snowflake agenda.

I'm slightly dyslexic and poor with words so I'll leave it as I rather hope you get no support from the shooting community which I think leans mostly to the right with free speech and old school values who support truthfull history and such. 


These are my very own thoughts and do not reflect the forum or its members in any way.

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I don't think there's anything untoward in the survey,  other than the questions about do you shoot over water and do you use lead shot? :hmm:

As said above, a survey site would be better because some people might want to answer some of the questions, but certainly don't want to hand out their email address to strangers.  Apart from that, Q8 and Q9 refers to non-shooters. You won't get an accurate (or any) answer to that on a shooting website. 

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I’m sorry you feel this way, I had no intention to offend anyone.

I am using this questionnaire as I am debating the ‘pro’s’ of shooting and trying to defend its principles and the positive effects it has on the environment and rural communities. Having been surrounded by shooting all my life I feel a real need to defend it and outline to others it’s positive effects. I was simply wanting to gain statistics to support my argument and give it more of a concrete backing. 

I understand this could have caused offence to some of you and I’m sorry if you felt this way.  

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At university and "looking into shooting patterns and behaviours".....................yeh right!!


And at the end of the form she wants to know your email address and phone number.....................


Doesn't anyone remember the journalists who wanted to understand how shooting worked and the people involved in it. They went to a range, filmed the people there enjoying themselves.................and then edited the film to make the members of the club, who were laughing and joking with the cameramen, look like a load of inadequate dimwits who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun.

Although this was nothing compared to the sleazeballs who went to a range back in the 90s on the pretext of filming, and then stole a box of ammunition to show how negligent the club was and how easy it was to get ammunition from them. They would probably have gotten away with it had the club not caught one of the female journalists trying to sneak a pistol out of the club. Had this been a normal person they would have been prosecuted for trying to steal a gun..............but it was a scumbag BBC reporter, so nothing was done other than to demonise the shooting club.

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I agree that many people will not wish to share information of this nature with unknown parties, mainly for security reasons.

I am keen to discuss and promote shooting to others on a regular basis and often discuss with non shooters how to get in to the sport and the benefits of partaking. It will only strengthen the support of the shooting community and increase awareness, understanding and support from the non shooting community. 

that being said; I do feel that the collection of personal data on license holders/ shooters is not something to be done lightly and without due consideration. As keen as I am to promote the sport, we do not know what this information is being used for, who has access to it or indeed, who you are (with all respect).

There are many useful approved statistics you can find on the internet and I would also advise visiting the BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation) website. They provide a lot of information on shooting and the benefits to the economy and environment that may be useful in your research.

have a look at the link here - https://basc.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/06/BASC-Facts-at-your-fingertips.pdf 

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Every university questionairre i have done has been delivered through a uni portal.


There are a few issues with the clarity of your questions, most people i know will buy mostly lead cartridges for use on clays for instance, they may shoot a little over water but will go nontoxic for that (but a very small proportion of total cartridge use).


Contrary to the impression you may have got most people on here are fairly keen to be helpful. Why dont you tell us your research aims and objectives and we will help refine your questionairre so as to get more robust data, or point you at better sources of data for your project.


Unless you come up with a university email address and better backstory though such help may not be forthcoming.

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