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Yorkshire Pudding

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Off to the tobacconist you do go . Buy yourself some Hedges snuff . Open the tin , and take a pinch of the powder between you thumb and finger . Carefull now not too much (you will soon realise exactly how much is TOO MUCH) . Raise said pinch to one nasal passage and breath the wonderfull smell of the snuff ( much in the same way you would smell a flower ) . Now move the pinch to the other nasal passage and repeat the process .


all the best yis yp :D

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I take it you never seen that photo of the man with a massive growth where his nose was once.


Nose and mouth cancer was once a common illness amongst miners as they could only sniff and chew as it was dangerous to light up.


Worse than fags - just like shoving poison up your nose. Damages your sense of smell too.


Stick to the Whisky YP, and Red - dont listen to him, he's talking out his a**e!

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Interesting this snuff lark, I have a Swedish work buddy that visits UK quite a lot, he is into snuff in a big way, Swedish style is different to the snuff up your nose jobby, he squeezes a lump between his fingers and thumbs and puts it up under his top lip, it stays there for ages.


Positive: absolutely no need for fags while snuffing.

Negative: when smiling or talking, this brown blob is easily spotted. (not the best when to chatting up ladies :D )


I have tried it twice after some alcohol inducement, and I have to say was quite pleasant, just had trouble keeping it in one piece.


Anyone else tried this Scandinavian snuff??

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white fox, next time you see him, ask him what "mouth cancer" is, in Swedish.

I agree with all the other warnings against snuff and related products.

Chewing tobacco has got to be the most obscene habit.

I knew a chap who use to have a small bottle in his pocket to spit into, when he could,t spit on the floor.

How nauseating is that ?

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