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A bit of advice please


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Hi Folks,

Over the festive period we are going to stay with my brother and sister in law for 3 days. There are a few decent clay grounds near by that I fancy a look on.

Ideally, I want to take my gun, but it would have to be out the safe for that amount of time to come with me. I'm unsure on the rules around this and as it stands I don't think it's allowed, but I'm not sure, so I'm looking for a bit of advice.

To provide some context, I will always be in the house with the gun broken down, stored and locked away until we leave to use it if it comes with us. The house is secure and the inlaws are both credible and sound, both work as prison officers.

At the minute I'm unsure as I have been told different things so for now it's staying home. Going to get some more advice tomorrow, just wondered if anyone here knew for sure what is and isn't allowed. I assume when you go on overnight, organised shoots, the organisers provide safe storage?


Edited by MarcMaxus
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44 minutes ago, Tford said:

Reasonable precautions.... leave the barrels in the car locked, and take the action inside wrapped and hidden in your hold-all. Don’t advertise it to non-licence holders! Simples as far as I’m concerned... could be wrong mind!!

I agree, travel with my gun regularly. It is your responsibility to take reasonable security precautions. Splitting barrel and action and keeping separately secure is one way of doing it. Forend locked in glove compartment as well.

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1 hour ago, Tford said:

Reasonable precautions.... leave the barrels in the car locked, and take the action inside wrapped and hidden in your hold-all. Don’t advertise it to non-licence holders! Simples as far as I’m concerned... could be wrong mind!!


57 minutes ago, Dave at kelton said:

I agree, travel with my gun regularly. It is your responsibility to take reasonable security precautions. Splitting barrel and action and keeping separately secure is one way of doing it. Forend locked in glove compartment as well.

Splitting the gun up is key, but do not forget that the steel will get mighty cold in the car so do wrap it well and a light oiling would be beneficial too.

As said above security is your responsibility and with a little thought it can be done quite easily.

Discretion is key though!

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