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Been Out Again

pigeon controller

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Thursday, I was invited out again to help to reduce the pigeon population on a large area of rape. My host and I decided to put me under a large oak tree in the middle of the field and he would go towards a large wood and select a suitable ambush site. I was set up for 09.30 and could hear my host shooting. I had twelve fresh birds, two on the magnet in front of me  and two as flyers from each side the rest on spikes. I had two plastic birds above me as lofters. It was a slow start with the birds coming straight in to the pattern but the number of birds flighting had reduced from my previous visit. I could see other vehicles driving over the same land and heard a number of shots which inturn would bring me a customer to the pattern. By midday it was very quiet. During the day I had shots close to me from the road behind me and I did not understand  the reasons for them as the opposite field was old maize stubble well past its sell by date, it was only when I returned to the road a little later I realised.

My hide and pattern could not be seen from the road only the two lofters and my theory was that other shooters passing saw the two birds and assumed that others could be down and put a shot towards them to lift any birds to no avail.

My host phoned me at 13.00 to say he was off as he could not find any decent birds to shoot so I packed up also as it had gone very slow, my total for the morning was thirtyone pigeons, which I was grateful for.


Friday I was out with DB and we started to look for birds, we had seen a flightline last week to a small rape field and we had a look only to find Flags, rotating balls and gas guns!! No Pigeons. We continued to look and found a good flock on some rape, so I rang the farmer. Answer Machine!!!! so we drove to the farm, nothing as we left the farm he came down the road and we asked the question? can we shoot. I will get back to you in half an hour, One hour later I phoned him again . Answer machine!!!!. left a message, in the mean time we set up on another crop next to the rape with the theory being we could split and send birds to each other when we get permission. We stopped shooting at 15.15 and as we were packing up the farmer phoned back to inform us we could shoot so we informed him we would be on the rape in the morning. We managed seventysix birds from the stubble next to the rape and as you could imagine would have had a lot more on the rape.

Saturday. Today, we arrived at the rape field at 09.00 and the birds were down feeding so we walked them off and set up with twelve fresh birds normal set up and waited for them to return. Now as we had shot next to this field yesterday it was a gamble that the shooting would totally spook them and they would just leave or they would stand the shooting for a couple of hours and then leave. As the day went on the numbers returning reduced to a trickle and we should have left to find new birds but we stuck it out and finished at 15.30 with fiftyeight birds, for which we were grateful.


I do not think I will be out before next year so can I wish all of you a Happy, Healthy and Productive New Year.





31 Pigeons

76 Pigeons

58 Pigeons

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14 minutes ago, JDog said:

Some determination that PC.

That Beretta has certainly had some use since you bought it. What was it now four or even five years ago when we met at The Shooting Show?

I think it was five years now, the only hiccup I've had is a sticking ejector which I replaced and is now fine. I use as a tool for my hobby and treat it very roughly but maintain its lubrication. 

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1 hour ago, pigeon controller said:

I think it was five years now, the only hiccup I've had is a sticking ejector which I replaced and is now fine. I use as a tool for my hobby and treat it very roughly but maintain its lubrication. 

Yes lubricating your tool is all important. 

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13 hours ago, kenholland said:

it's that net that draws them in some magical about it , no seriously P C you do us credit we all admire you for your efforts your pics keeps us all going for the same type of day , well done.

I agree with you Ken, it is like the cloak of invisibility that Harry Potter wears apart from being a little more tatty, works a bloody treat! 🤣

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13 hours ago, Will 1994 said:

Great post PC, out of interest what gun is it you use and roughly how many cartridges do you think you have put through it ? 



It's a 686 Silver Pigeon and it's had approx 20 K of cartridges, but I'm not sure as I do not keep count just replace my stock when it gets low.

11 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

I agree with you Ken, it is like the cloak of invisibility that Harry Potter wears apart from being a little more tatty, works a bloody treat! 🤣

Yes very special and they retail at £1000.00 a meter!!!!!!!

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