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The last 2 weeks, i have been surveying some deer damage ect, done by, what seems to be, a well established herd of reds, not too far from me.

They seem to have moved down from Co. Donegal and have spread, unfortunately, damaging young forestry trees and silage crops, by lying down in medows ect.

I was nominated to cull said deer and another section 42 was taken out.

Got to the place in quetion yesterday morning at day break, with so much rain of late, the place was flooded bad :good: and i felt like i was stalking the swamps of some far off indian jungle :D

Most of the time, i was in to the tops of me wellies in water and it was a splashing noise, that brought me within shooting distance to a herd of red hinds. They were moving threw the flooded feild and the splashing could be herd a good way off, dead calm morning.

I selected an old beast, no fawn with her and she was lagging behind the others.

After lining her up, i sqeezed the triger of my CZ .223, sending a Sako 55gr SP bullet to her heart.

She moved 10 odd yds and droped stone dead. :good:

I am amazed at this caliber, the bullet broke 2 ribs going in and was firmly inbeded, on the other side, of the front leg :good: , a caliber NOT, to be under estimated. :D

Pic below, i had some haul getting her out those swampy conditions i can tell you :good::good: , the weather was so humid aswell, TROPICAL. :good:


All the best,







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After lining her up, i sqeezed the triger of my CZ .223, sending a Sako 55gr SP bullet...

...the bullet broke 2 ribs going in and was firmly inbeded, on the other side, of the front leg


Nice one Frank, not a caliber (or such a light round) I would recommend for Red, but I guess you must have been pretty close given the inbedded and you heard splashing.

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well done Frank what scopes on the .223?


Its a Smidt & Bender, 3 to 12 x 50. German. :good:


Oly, most dont recomend the .223 for reds, but, in my opinion, if you know exactly where to aim, it is deadly. :D

I am lucky that i can use it over here, i am trying to get isued a 6.5 for the job, but red tape ect, is getting in the way. :good:



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Well done frank id say you had a fair job dragging her back she looks seriously heavy :good: In experienced hands like yourself the .223 is lethal :good: I have used the 50 grain sakos they are a great bullet never came across the 55's yet,getting on fairly well with the american eagles got a very big dog fox at 195yrds thursday night spot on in the shoulder furthest ive ever got very happy with that :D I was out with daniel today we got two foxes have pics must post them at some stage for ya.


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well done Frank what scopes on the .223?


Its a Smidt & Bender, 3 to 12 x 50. German. :D


Oly, most dont recomend the .223 for reds, but, in my opinion, if you know exactly where to aim, it is deadly. :good:

I am lucky that i can use it over here, i am trying to get isued a 6.5 for the job, but red tape ect, is getting in the way:good:




I would have thought with your name on so many Section 42's that would be reason enough :good:

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Well done Frank :D Bet you can't wait to get the 6.5, but your doing well with the .223.

Before the law was changed regarding the shooting of Deer in Britain the Stalkers in the Highlands swore by the .222 for Reds, one Stalker was reported to have had no wounded Deer at all :good: Because he made sure he was close enough for a clean kill :good::good:


Now when do you want me over with the .270 to help you out :good::good:

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Thanks very much folks. :good:

Tikka Mark, would love to see the pics :) , sounds a good day out. :good:

I know, that their is a lot of debates ect about variouse calibers for reds, i think, personally, that the .223 and a good bullet, leaves all energy in the beast, where the more powerfull calibers, go straight threw.

I freind had the .243, for a good few years, it seemed, even on fallow bucks, the 100 gr sp, went straight threw, loosing little energy, resulting in the deer running off several 100 yds and in forrestry/deep cover, this was a nightmare :/

He has since swaped to a .308 and has never looked back , amazingly versitile in all situations :D


Its a funnys law here at times, i have apllied for my 6.5 x 55, 2 months ago, but the police, want me to get rid of the .223 :good: , before they issue a 6.5 and as im attached to my .223 a good bit, i dont want to give it up :good: . I am in talks with the N.A.R.G.C (same as your BASC) and see what they can do to help, if they can :good:

Another condition, which the police are trying for me to get, is a moniterd alarm, which will cost me nearly 2000 Euro to set up. :D:good: As its not law, yet, they are just trying it on.


Will keep you all updated. ;)



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What range did you take it at, just out of interest? I'm also thinking of getting a 6.5x55, they seem a good calibre. I'm surprised the little .223 did such a good clean job on such a large animal, but only because of the English law saying it's not good enough for Roe here! I have little experience of rifles, but the picture doesn't lie does it! I wonder why they turned it down for Roe here? It looks plenty good enough to me. Top shooting buddy, keep up the good work. Good luck with the variation too :good:

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