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Storage of rifle ammo


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Hi DeD,


The way I understand it is that all Section 1 firearms ammunition should be secured. They have probably just lost it in their car. However, if they were conscientious they should have accounted for the rounds used and those remaining post shooting. My car is similar but with 12G cartridges, now I have a FAC I will tidy my act up.


I suppose it's an interesting situation because if you don't have a FAC for the calibre you have found, then you can't legally have possession of it, so what do you do with it?





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Be ******* careful about where you leave rifle ammo, it has to secured same as the rifle but in a different container.

My old Mum was chatting to the repair girls at the Barbour factory a while ago and they told her they very often come across ammo in coats sent back for repair, they ALWAYS call the police to dispose of it and pass on details of the owner.

Be warned plod takes a very dim view of careless certificate holders.

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Guest Mr Pieman

Col Pol,

how could you think such a thing :D:D:D:D


A gamekeeper near me had his FAc revoked for leaving 3 .270 rounds in his landy when it went for service. The garage staff panicked and phoned Mr Plod. The rest is, as they say, history :D


Separate lockable, secure storage for FAC ammo. Count it out and count it back in :D



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Guest Mr Pieman

Col Pol,

if the ammo is a segregated lockable compartment, surely it is 'separated' from the rest of the storage facility. The ammo and gun cannot be accessed simultaneously.


therefore, by inference, the storage areas are separate. I didn't say it had to be stored elsewhere in the property, just 'separately' ???



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I do have to correct you on one small point tho Mr P, Ammunition does not have to be kept seperate, I accept it makes sense, as long as it is in a lockable storage facility in the cabinet ie a lockable shelf.


I think you will find that fac ammo has to be kept secure, not in the same cabinet as the rifle.

this was a stipulation laid down, and I had to get a seperste safe before my certificate was issued.


also I don't suppose non shooting people would be worried about being arrested for having, or being hurt by, a twenty pound note! ???

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Section 1 ammunition should be stored separately and securely from Section 1 weapons.


This on the face of would mean a totally seperate container for the storage of Section 1 Ammunition however, As the lockable shelf within the cabinet requires a serperate key to facilitate entry this constitutes a seperate location (which is secure) where the law and the Firearms Officer is concerned. It is not acceptable to have your rifles and ammo secured together without this additional locking unit within the gun cabinet. In effect it is a secure unit within another secure unit.


If you have been advised by your firearms officer and you had to go to additional cost in supplying and fitting a seperate secure unit then I'm afraid, he has overstepped his powers and dependant on the circumstances, you could be compensated if your gun cabinet had the lockable facility when he viewed your security.


Likewise, they recommend you secure the rifle bolts and magazines in a seperate container for additional security which, could also go into the lockable shelf unit.


As a firearms holder you are only obliged to protect your property from theft from the opportunist thief or burglar, not the determined criminal hell bent on getting your firearms and so the additional security by way of locking units "seperate" from the main body is designed to make it as difficult as possible to steal a firearm that could be used immediately.


In fact, even though it pains me to say it ???;) Mr P's words sum it up nicely.


Col Pol

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  • 4 weeks later...

all cartridges , bullets , pellets should be away from the guns(unless in a mini cabinet) we keep our .22rim's in a very safe place where they have to go very far into the house to find.

you cant have more than 300 bullets at 1 time. and cannot buy more than 200 at 1 time.(says on my dads license. may not apply for everyone)


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all cartridges , bullets , pellets should be away from the guns(unless in a mini cabinet) we keep our .22rim's in a very safe place where they have to go very far into the house to find.

you cant have more than 300 bullets at 1 time. and cannot buy more than 200 at 1 time.(says on my dads license. may not apply for everyone)



As you suspect, it varies according to the conditions on your FAC.

I can buy 2000 and hold 2500 .22 rimfire.

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