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19 minutes ago, DUNKS said:

New HFT course at Lakeside clay ground near Wymswold.

Looks like a fun course with targets in trees and on an island in a fishing lake.

The course is open  to all for a play.

Can you use lead pellets?

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Hunter field target is simulated air rifle hunting at ranges up to 45 yards ish, you shoot in contact with a 'peg' could be prone kneeling standing or leaning. 

No artificial range estimation, or parralax adjustment, fixed mag {if your scopes variable you can't alter it} 

25 and 40 mm kill knock down targets. 

I've never actually done it, so if the rules have changed? I used to do FT, which is nothing like it!

Its designed so you don't need an expensive gun or scope. 

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15mm 13-25yds

Max range is 45yds, can be a 35mm kill but must have 10mm of plate round it. 

Whistle goes, no touchy scope. 1 for a plate, 2 for a knock down, smiley face for fresh air. 

No sitting shots. Mostly prone where you can rest your rifle butt on the deck.

At least one free stander and one free kneeler per round plus supported positionals. 

Easy? Try it. Not quite as frustrating as golf but close. 

21 hours ago, Rewulf said:

25 and 40 mm kill knock down targets.

Can be anything between 15 and 40mm

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It's all about the craic.

I managed two doughnuts in a row today by range finding mistakes, but you know what, two people gave me tips for ranging in deep woods that will definitely help. Not often your competitors will tell you where you're going wrong and how to fix it. This was an open competition. I'm lucky enough to be able to shoot HFT virtually every weekend of the year. 

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