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CENS ear protectors


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Anyone know what the warranty period is on these?

I bought a pair of CENS ProFlex+ Competition ear protectors in May 2017 and recently I have been having problems with the left unit;

1. The battery runs flat vey quickly. I put new batteries in both units on Saturday night but when I put them in on Sunday the left battery had no power
2. I put a new battery in and while I was shooting the left unit kept switching off. If I tapped the unit it came back on momentarily 
3. The left unit doesn’t seem to switch off
Any advice?
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I have sent mine back and although they are only 3 months out of warranty they have confirmed that I will have to pay for any repairs

Apparently it costs £35 per module to look at them and then any repair costs on top of that and if I don't want to go ahead with the repairs they will return at a cost of £20 or dispose of for nothing.

Interestingly they said that the units should be sent back to them annually for a service/check up which costs £20 per module + p&p!!


I don't think I will buying CENS again or recommending them

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15 minutes ago, rimfire4969 said:

I have one in for repair at the moment, they have had it 2 weeks already and I have not heard from them. I chased it and was told they will contact me when they get around to it, possibly another week.

No very impressed. 

Yes, thats all I got, short curt reply. Mine are due for replacement and will be looking elsewhere.

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I bought a pair of CEN pro flex1e about 3 months ago, first time I used them the right one stopped working after ten minutes, put a new battery in still nowt, tried another new battery still nowt .Phoned them Monday morning and told them what was happening and could they send a new module out and I would put this in the post back to them as Id only had them 2 days and used them once, they said no you will have to take them back to the people that did the order and they will send it back and we will do tests and repair if necessary which is what they did, from impressions  it took 3 1/2 weeks to get them and another 3 weeks for the repair.

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