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Public School capers


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Any one know where you can buy a 100 chav day? and how much are they paying you per chav at the game dealers more to the point is chav even edable?





I doubt the chavs will be shot for food as their eating habits are somewhat inexcuseable, they are fed on a diet of KFC and Mcdonalds all washed down by WKD and Barcardi Breezers.

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A mate of mine has a post shandy habit f jumping onto chavs backs and seeing how far he can ride them before they shake him off.

I have a grebo friend who went through a phase of carrying a plastic sword when he left the house to jab chavs in the back of the knees as they walked around our local park. :rolleyes: Good job he could run faster than them B)


Poor little defenceless minority. :mad:


FM :(

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