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Quad bike


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One of my syndicates are considering the purchase of a quad as the feeders/silos and pens are not accessible in 4x4. I would prefer to pay a lease fee to e.g. a syndicate member who already owns a quad. To calculate the best route, is there any advice on costs and also tips on what we should be looking for? 

- Budget £2.5k for purchase, local ATV dealer has one to view

- Insurance per annum?

- Tracking?

- Servicing frequency and cost?

- Trailer?

Say it will be used on 10 shoot days and 10 work party days outright purchase seems excessive. What would be an appropriate yearly fee for 20 days use?

Edited by WalkedUp
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Not quite with you here.  One assumes it will be used for more than one season and will not be just thrown away so will have some value at the end of just one season if no longer needed.

Two and a half for a tidy ATV is not a bad price and will make a huge difference to the chores on your shoot.  An investment in my view.

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30 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

I'd be more inclined to get a kawi mule or some such. Local farmer just got a reasonable polaris for £2k. Much more versatile. They do pop up in that price range, seats 2, take feed/tools/guns, and go anywhere a quad will. 

+1  Much easier and more stable when loaded up with feed and 2 blokes.


3 hours ago, WalkedUp said:

Say it will be used on 10 shoot days and 10 work party days outright purchase seems excessive. What would be an appropriate yearly fee for 20 days use?

It would probably help if you gave us some idea of the relative size of your syndicate; e.g. my local DIY syndicate couldn't afford to drop £2.5k on a vehicle, but neither would we 'lease' a member's quad, would get into all sorts of paperwork difficulties/insurance grey areas that just don't seem worth the aggro.  We have one member who turns up with his gator.  In return, he might get his petrol tank refilled, or be allowed to have first dibs on the deer on the land.

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You forgot fuel costs 

think you will use it more than 10 days shooting and ten days work parties if you use it for feeding taking birds to the pen water putting out pegs and the dozen other things that you have forgot 

bought a atv last season it’s the best thing I have purchased far better and more useful than the quad 😊👍 a lot more £ than your 2.1/2 k thought 

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Syndicates I've been involved in, one we had a old sportrack petrol 4x4 for feeding up. Another the lad with one who done the feeding up got to shoot pests and some deer stalking along with being a walking gun and stand some drives as a quid pro quo arrangement. Became a underkeeper really.

Edited by figgy
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The quad would hopefully have more than a season’s use! However the membership of our DIY syndicate changes (25% churn), so investment in it is complicated. Unless a depreciating quad share is calculated i.e. bought into on entry but then paid back when you leave? 😢

The total shoot cost per person is £300/350 per year. However feeding by shank’s pony didn’t go well and so returns diminished. 

Mule looks good as could transport the older members too. Insurance is going to be a big cost either way.



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