Mungler Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Not too keen on the DSC route but I understand that the DSC opens shooting doors. Our of interest who did you do your course with and what was the damage? Also what were the people like - was it a pleasant time or a slog? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devilishdave Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Ask for what you would like they can only say no. A no to the 222 50, or 223 etc doesn't mean a no to the .22rf. On my first aplication I got .22 .17hmr and .243 on an open ticket. Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Browning Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Not too keen on the DSC route but I understand that the DSC opens shooting doors. Our of interest who did you do your course with and what was the damage? Also what were the people like - was it a pleasant time or a slog? Mung. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that you should need a DSC1 cert to get an FAC for .22 centrefire. DSC1 is a deer stalking cert, and therefore could only be asked for if you were looking at deer calibers (.240 or above at the moment in England) BASC would have a field day if your FEO put that limitation on you. If you can show 'good reason' to own a .22 centrefire round for foxes i.e. Written permission from a landowner that has land passed, or will pass, for that caliber then you should be OK. You already have SGC so that will help. Go for it and see what they come back with, they're not as scary as some people make out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dunkield Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 good luck, and don't forget to leave some cash over for a nice skirt and a blouse. "Rifles are for girls" don't forget Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mungler Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Well it's all so easy when the target is not moving Should have everything ready to go off today. EDIT: I reckon I have a "safety" trump card up my sleeve. More details by Sunday all being well. It's a cracker. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk2dawn Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Got my 17.hmr for close range foxes aswell as rabbits, i reapplied 6 months later and have a .223 aswell. Me being a gamekeeper sped that all along a bit. Alex Just out of interest, which do you prefer and which gets the most practical use? For example, I could see how people would "prefer" using a .223 as a much better tool for many diferent jobs, but I would have thought that day to day a fully silenced .22 semi auto would be the one that would get the most use. Hi Mungler, If I were you I would forget the CF for a while until you have gained some experience and go for a .22 semi, only downside is that they are not as accurate as a bolt over distance but deadly for night use on the bunnies, also its not so fiddly, as having to work a bolt each shot,with a 10 shot mag in the back of a truck. With a modded semi it is entirely possible to take out several rabbits quickly before they realise whats going on and all run for cover. I have sometimes encountered a fox while out rabbiting and an advantage with the semi is that you can squeeze off another shot in the blink of an eye to be sure. but I would not advise taking long shots with a semi.This is why Im now looking for a good bolt action. Hope this makes sense and helps you in your decision. D2D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
njc110381 Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 NJC110381, Just to throw a spanner into your works Gloucestershire don't like going down the mentor route. They prefer you to have or get experience then apply for the gun. So they would like you to go out for a few months with your mentor and use his gun. If you can then evidence this then you won't need mentoring with your own gun. Thats what I was told anyway. Harry I've already done a bit of that. I'm getting to the point that I'd like to have my own gun to take along as well, because I feel a bit rude when I keep raiding my mates Rifles and ammo! It also means I have to use a rifle that's set up for a left handed shooter, so my groups are not perfect Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moses Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Not too keen on the DSC route but I understand that the DSC opens shooting doors. Our of interest who did you do your course with and what was the damage? Also what were the people like - was it a pleasant time or a slog? I did the course with Donnington Deer Management at Donnigton Deer Park, The guys name was David Stretton. There was a real mix of people, some complete novices but, there was a few guys there who had been managing deer for 15-20 years (one of which was good enough to let me try his Sauer 202 elegance, which was nice!) The tutors and assessors were a good bunch who were happy to answer any questions you had and tried to lead you in the right direction during the assessments, without compromising themselves. I only did the one day course for the certificate at £150 but you can do 3 days for all the theory and practical lessons aswell. They sent me a folder to revise from 4 weeks before and providing you take everything in(obviously it helped having practical knowledge), the tests were straight forward. I realise you are not applying for deer calibres but, you could always go for a 243 to give you the option later on. Regarding the FEO visit, it's good to show them you know what you are talking about but, be careful you don't talk yourself out of it. I waited for the questions to come and then provided the answers, any questions I had for him I asked when he had finished. I also found the BASC firearms dept very helpful, the FEO will ask if you're a member of any clubs or organisations so, have your membership details ready if you are. Whatever you decide, the best of luck to you. Moses Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mungler Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Just out of interest what are the "usual questions". The SGC questions all seemed to be based upon the simple concepts of: 1. not crossing a fence or gate with a loaded shotty 2. not stuff a 20g down a 12g barrel That was pretty much it. Should I do any swatting up and if so where? Would watching the Deer Hunter and Full Metal Jacket again help at all? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baldrick Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Mung, if you haven't already found a copy, check out the Home Office Guidance to Police, regarding firearms licencing. It'll cover what is and is not acceptable in terms of 'good reason', which is what a lot of your FAC interview will focus on. The FEO will want to know how much you know about the safe use of rifles (backdrops, ricochets, proximity to built-up areas), your experience of shooting to date, why you want these specific calibres etc. I remember being grilled on which local FAC holders that I knew and/or shot with. If you haven't already done so, make sure that one your FAC application you list any moderators and expanding ammunition that you'll need. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mungler Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Mung, if you haven't already found a copy, check out the Home Office Guidance to Police, regarding firearms licencing. It'll cover what is and is not acceptable in terms of 'good reason', which is what a lot of your FAC interview will focus on. The FEO will want to know how much you know about the safe use of rifles (backdrops, ricochets, proximity to built-up areas), your experience of shooting to date, why you want these specific calibres etc. I remember being grilled on which local FAC holders that I knew and/or shot with. If you haven't already done so, make sure that one your FAC application you list any moderators and expanding ammunition that you'll need. Ta for that. I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moses Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Mung, if you haven't already found a copy, check out the Home Office Guidance to Police, regarding firearms licencing. It'll cover what is and is not acceptable in terms of 'good reason', which is what a lot of your FAC interview will focus on. The FEO will want to know how much you know about the safe use of rifles (backdrops, ricochets, proximity to built-up areas), your experience of shooting to date, why you want these specific calibres etc. I remember being grilled on which local FAC holders that I knew and/or shot with. If you haven't already done so, make sure that one your FAC application you list any moderators and expanding ammunition that you'll need. Ta for that. I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. You can get everything you need off the BASC website, go to the firearms dept. Moses M Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pin Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Ta for that. I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M The government have hosed the online copy, the silly little ****. However I like to keep this little puppy handy for such eventualities. It's actually written in "Solicitor" so you should imbibe it quickly Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dazzyboi Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 Ta for that. I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M The government have hosed the online copy, the silly little ****. However I like to keep this little puppy handy for such eventualities. It's actually written in "Solicitor" so you should imbibe it quickly Nice one, Ill have one of those Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul223 Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M For some reason the links are no longer working I have it on my pc as a pdf file ( I'm not on my pc at the mo ), if you want pm me an email addy to which I can send it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henry d Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 I sometimes feel we are living on different planets, as I applied for my first FA `cert in `00 and wasn`t asked if I had a DSC or mentor and the land was never queried/visited for suitibility for .22 and .222, within a year my .22 ammo was uprated as I had filled my certificate ammo bought section up. 5 years later I asked for and received an extra rifle and mods for both CF`s even though I had been on happy pills for a while and my 6.5 & .222 are passed for fox and deer ! Chance your arm and go for many firearms Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mungler Posted August 15, 2007 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 I have gone for Section 1 shotgun, .22RF with mod and .223 centrefire with mod. I have asked for maximum ammo allowances etc. My own view is if I get 1/3 of what I have asked for then that will do me. I would be intrigued if there was a land restriction or otherwise on the shotty. We shall see. From what I have learnt on here it's a numbers game - if you ask and don't get, then be grateful for what you do get, give it 6 months of clean shooting and then ask again. Bit of a trudge but there we go... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henry d Posted August 15, 2007 Report Share Posted August 15, 2007 I have gone for Section 1 shotgun....... ........& slugs ? :o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul223 Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 I hadn't read pins post so just ignore this :o I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M For some reason the links are no longer working I have it on my pc as a pdf file ( I'm not on my pc at the mo ), if you want pm me an email addy to which I can send it Ta for that. I did try and get the Home Office guidance booklet but it wouldn't open (said corrupted file). If anyone has a link to a working version that would be lovely. M The government have hosed the online copy, the silly little ****. However I like to keep this little puppy handy for such eventualities. It's actually written in "Solicitor" so you should imbibe it quickly Do you think it's been scuppered on purpose?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevethevanman Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 Depends on the force for 17 hmr for fox, after sitting on my 22lr for 5 years and having ago with friends guns target shoting, I was granted a 243 for deer and fox, but I have to go on a few stalks with one guys he has to then write a letter to my FEO saying I can handle responsibly a full bore. Steve Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webber Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 I thought that this may provide usefull, its from the guidance to police, via the BASC web site. webber Fox 13.23 Common rifle cartridges considered suitable for the shooting of foxes range from .17 Remington, and .22 Hornet to .22 -250 and .220 Swift, though there is a wide range of suitable similar calibres commercially available. In windy areas, where heavier bullets aid accurate shooting, or if applicants wish to use one rifle for shooting both deer and foxes they may choose a rifle in 6mm (.243/.244) or 6.5mm (.264) calibre. .22 Rimfire is generally too low-powered to be used against fox except at short range, but may reasonably be permitted for use against such quarry in certain circumstances. However, sole use against fox would not normally be sufficient “good reason†to acquire such a rifle (see paragraph 13.15). Combination shot gun/rifles should have the rifled barrel in a similar calibre. Expanding ammunition should be authorised for shooting foxes. Those involved in shooting foxes will normally be authorised to possess up to 250 rounds and acquire 200 at any given time, but consideration should though be given to each shooter’s individual circumstances, particularly where re-loaders are acquiring missiles. See also paragraph 13.14 on allowing applicant’s flexibility to reasonably shoot other species on named land. 13.24 It is desirable that new applicants should have some previous experience of the safe use of firearms before using such rifles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk2dawn Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 I have gone for Section 1 shotgun, .22RF with mod and .223 centrefire with mod. I have asked for maximum ammo allowances etc. My own view is if I get 1/3 of what I have asked for then that will do me. I would be intrigued if there was a land restriction or otherwise on the shotty. We shall see. From what I have learnt on here it's a numbers game - if you ask and don't get, then be grateful for what you do get, give it 6 months of clean shooting and then ask again. Bit of a trudge but there we go... I have two section 1 12g and there are no land restrictions, mind you I had them before the rules were tightened up. If you use it for pigeon control/crop protection and state that as your reason for having having it then they cant really put any geographical limits on the use. As you say if you dont ask you wont get... good luck. D2D Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
njc110381 Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 webber, that post on the guidance is great, cheers for putting that up. I've been wondering if I'd get 6.5 swedish for Fox, now if they say no I can e-mail them that bit which should rock the boat a little Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dunkield Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 6.5 is listed as a dual purpose calibre in the Home Office Guidlines as well Neil. By the time you get your FAC it may be obsolete though Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
njc110381 Posted August 16, 2007 Report Share Posted August 16, 2007 Tell me about it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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