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First day of parole.


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My self isolation finished yesterday, and I was biting at the bit to get out. But it wasn;t what I was hoping, bit of a let down. Stuck in doors for two weeks I was going stir crazy, ended up going to Tesco's do a bit of much needed shopping. well the que went 3 times round car park 3 which was shut off to cars, its now a people park. took nearly an hour to get in. Then you had a one way system in operation inside which nobody was taking any notice of. Got what we needed and come home, then I realised that was it, I had used my quota for going out and it was back indoors. Now I don't particularly want to go out. I will take the woofer out for his walk of an evening and do my bit by staying in. Two weeks indoors and seen all this on the TV but actually getting out there and seeing it for real its sobering and not to mention scary

I don't know what I was hoping for, the pubs are shut. lovely day so much potential but people are dying everyday the NHS is up to it eyeballs and I think I was being kinda selfish.

Edited by fatchap
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As said, I'm fortunate in that I have 12 acres to play in but I really do feel for some who don't even have a garden.  We have also been so lucky in that we have suficient food in our freezers anyway but neighbours and villagers have been so kind not only to us but within the village where one person will make purchases for three or four others. One quiet amusing incident happened this week. My wife went for her morning walk and half way up the village two ladies had a chair each on either side of the road by their gates and where sat chatting across the almost deserted road. Local private school is closed and computer centre so the traffic through here is down to just tractors scurrying back and forth ploughing and drilling and rolling fields.

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2 hours ago, fatchap said:

don't know what I was hoping for, the pubs are shut. lovely day so much potential but people are dying everyday the NHS is up to it eyeballs and I think I was being kinda selfish.

Don't think you were being selfish at all, you've stayed indoors doing your bit for 14 days so you didn't pass anything on, were you Ill or just a precaution?

I haven't been far from my house, just walks out with the kids, back to work Monday and I'm expecting it to be very strange. 

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5 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Don't think you were being selfish at all, you've stayed indoors doing your bit for 14 days so you didn't pass anything on, were you Ill or just a precaution?

I haven't been far from my house, just walks out with the kids, back to work Monday and I'm expecting it to be very strange. 

Just a precaution. I have no idea when I'm back to work, a lot of building sites are shut. I work for a hire company and they are only at the moment delivering to the new Nightingale hospitals and the odd few sites that have reopened so don't need 100% of the staff. Find out when we go back after Easter I would imagine.

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You probably went to tesco on a bad day, obviously each area is different with how people are acting. 

It's quite strange watching people walking around avoiding each other, hanging back at narrow points and bridges, the few cars that I've seen going along our street are going a lot slower, like the usual rush has gone.

Glad you haven't been Ill 

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11 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, your Tesco is much like here, the staff are only doing what Head office have stated, but i have not seen many with face masks working in a public environment

I didn't see one member of staff with a face mask, gloves yes but no masks.

What I did notice is the amount of BBQ stuff being bought, bags of charcoal, steaks, baggettes beer, wine etc. And judging by the quantities in thier trolleys I doubt they had a quiet get together in mind. More like quite the bash. 

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I do feel for you guys with food problems.

Where I live a walk around the block, a 250 mtr square and I pass on the first corner a post office and a corner shop ran by a Pakistani guy who is open all hours and sells just about everything. Along the straight and we have a well stocked Morrisons. Next corner another corner shop ran by an Indian. One quick walk and we have all we might need,

Within this square is also a public park to walk your dog.

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7 minutes ago, DUNKS said:

I do feel for you guys with food problems.

Where I live a walk around the block, a 250 mtr square and I pass on the first corner a post office and a corner shop ran by a Pakistani guy who is open all hours and sells just about everything. Along the straight and we have a well stocked Morrisons. Next corner another corner shop ran by an Indian. One quick walk and we have all we might need,

hello, the Tesco near me is part of my daily walk to, today 9 till 10 is NHS staff, oldies hour tomorrow,

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25 minutes ago, fatchap said:

I didn't see one member of staff with a face mask, gloves yes but no masks.

What I did notice is the amount of BBQ stuff being bought, bags of charcoal, steaks, baggettes beer, wine etc. And judging by the quantities in thier trolleys I doubt they had a quiet get together in mind. More like quite the bash. 

hello, some here wore gloves but not the type that should be used, just a Typical approach that Tesco have to their staff, good hard working people!!!!

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We went shopping on a thursday the only place we saw a queue was outside a chemists in the shopping center they had chairs two mtrs apart and maybe 20 people waiting . on the friday son sent us pictures of folk queuing round the block at tesco it seems some people although there off cant get it out of there mind its a friday shopping day 

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