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GCSE Results


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My GCSE were


4 x E

2 x D

1 x F


Lets just say this.......................I look after 43 locations over the whole of the NW. Am practicaly my own boss, earn 40k a year, drive a company car.


People under me include those with degrees........Infact 99% of them have them..........And they cant wipe their own ****.


Your qualifications dont mean as much as what people make them out to be. Give me a sensible head, with a will to succeed over some gimp with a masters degree.


One thing to remember, YOU control your own future, not your grades. For those people that didnt get As and Bs.....Balls to it....... So what...........Keep on striving for your dreams. You will reach them.....

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rite lads just got back with my results.

they wern't the best but i'm still very happy with em as i never did get on at school lol.


1 b

5 c's

3 d's

1 e


so how did every1 else get on?


cheers charlie


Well done! That's exactly nine passes more than I got. :)

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