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Do you think its sweep time


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I would get it swept . I had a very scary  experience  a few weeks ago , not nice at all . My stove has a 90 %  elbow at the back some scoot have fallen and part blocked the elbow . I had open the door to but more coal in . The dammed  elbow started to glow red . I shut the door straight away to stop the draw with the door open . The elbow went back to its black colour . I had to get a meta bucket , and bit by bit remover the hot coals . Just a little at a time.  I let the stove cool down . Lifted the back panel to see it almost full of soot . So  cleaned that out . Then got my brushed and gave it a good sweep . I dont want to go through that again .

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Have it swept every year regardless and if u used it more then twice. Hardly any soot or creosote out if mine  but I'd rather pay 30 quid than get a chimney fire.

I find coal normally chucks the heat out and end up turning it right down. Is the fire new as well? Has it been used much? Have you used the coal before? Some takes a while to get blazing. 

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2 hours ago, GingerCat said:

Have it swept every year regardless and if u used it more then twice. Hardly any soot or creosote out if mine  but I'd rather pay 30 quid than get a chimney fire.

I find coal normally chucks the heat out and end up turning it right down. Is the fire new as well? Has it been used much? Have you used the coal before? Some takes a while to get blazing. 

about 3 to 4 year old, been used since end of September, yes used this coal before. It usually chucks the heat out and i end up opening doors.

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14 minutes ago, figgy said:

 Burnwell by M&G fuels is an excellent briquette. 

Still nothing can beat proper house coal, the flames and then the red glowing coals.

We use that 2 bags lasts us 3 weeks , our stove is on 24/7 . We live in a bungalow and it's out main form of heating  for the house.  Cost us 17 quid a bag . Just gone up a pound . So just over  tenner a week not bad .

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1 hour ago, billytheghillie said:

its a arrow

Arada Ecoburn Plus 5, my mistake.

Looks ok , it looks like its mild steel built not cast . That  has less chance of cracking compared to cast . If its getting to hot , maybe it has to much draw on it .

Edited by johnphilip
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15 hours ago, billytheghillie said:

cant use house coal on my stove as it burns to hot and would damage the riddling fingers,  according to manufacturers blumf.

Get yourself some M&G fuels briquettes, clean burning and last a longtime. UK owned and manufactured products in the north east.


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16 hours ago, johnphilip said:

We use that 2 bags lasts us 3 weeks , our stove is on 24/7 . We live in a bungalow and it's out main form of heating  for the house.  Cost us 17 quid a bag . Just gone up a pound . So just over  tenner a week not bad .

What size bag you paying £17.00 for.


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11 hours ago, JTaylor91 said:

House coal shouldn’t be burnt on a stove, you risk blowing the front of it out or setting fire to your flue.

This 👍


My daughters friend did this and it made a right mess.


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