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My wife's supervisor phoned her on Sunday and said the boss wants all the staff to get a covid test.

My mrs said "OK. When do you want me to come in and take it?" The answer was "We aren't doing it here." They want her to send off for a test, test herself, send it back, get the results than tell them what the result was. 

She got a phone call from the same person last night. "Have you done the test?" My mrs said "No. I feel fine, the family is fine, so I'm not going to."

The answer? "Oh well. We can't make you."

Is the virus so deadly you need to take a test to see if you've got it?

Edited by walshie
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1 minute ago, Rob85 said:

There must be a reason why they asked her to take it, has a member tested positive and are adamant they caught it from someone else in work so they are trying to trace?

No. No-one at her work has it. That's the strange thing.

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3 minutes ago, walshie said:

No. No-one at her work has it. That's the strange thing.

If that's the case I would say no, unless you have symptoms you don't get a test unless you are a close contact of someone who tested positive, that's basically the rules, anyone else is wasting tests.

I think if you go online to order one the questionnaire asks if you have symptoms or if you have been in contact, if you don't have either then they won't test you 

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4 minutes ago, Rob85 said:

If that's the case I would say no, unless you have symptoms you don't get a test unless you are a close contact of someone who tested positive, that's basically the rules, anyone else is wasting tests.

I think if you go online to order one the questionnaire asks if you have symptoms or if you have been in contact, if you don't have either then they won't test you 

Being in contact doesn't matter, only those showing symptoms can get a free test.

Anyone can pay for one privately if they wish.

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4 minutes ago, Rob85 said:

If that's the case I would say no, unless you have symptoms you don't get a test unless you are a close contact of someone who tested positive, that's basically the rules, anyone else is wasting tests.

I think if you go online to order one the questionnaire asks if you have symptoms or if you have been in contact, if you don't have either then they won't test you 

The trouble with it is its so easy to lie and get away with it. It asks do you have at least one of the following symptoms, answer yes to any of them you get a test, either walk through or home test. This is what we beleive our boss did with two of the office staff to try and quell the current panic at our place. Whole thing would have gone belly up if they had come back positive.

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Mass testing of a workforce is a good idea, particularly in a high risk time. The govt is looking for key worker populations to go through this to help prevent positives becoming superspreaders.

Good that the company said it was voluntary .. so overall I'd take it as a well intentioned excercise in difficult times.

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