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Foot and mouth

henry d

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Just talked to my brother who works for the biggest cattle vets in the country and based very near there. They are 90% sure its another false alarm just like the other two false alarms at the end of the last F&M outbreak. Looks like the BBC may be embelishing it slightly

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The open day was last saturday,


I am shooting a club day with Bullet Lodge and spending some time on the zero range in preparation for the Essex County fullbore championships on 30th September


Doh, knew there was something last week, but couldn't remember what it was. Had email from Bisley as well :welcomeani:


Good luck with the zeroing in and here's hoping that its found to be a false alarm with the F & M so you can get on there.



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How is it that the original outbreak was from the Pirbright research center and was dealt with so quickly and this one is within a few miles yet the fat *** PM knows nothing ? Of course there will now be mass culls while the idiots in government look on google to see where the countryside is, then bow to consensus that a dead cow cant pass fmd on.

Audi TTs driven by vets who dont give a damn and take the thirteen pieces of silver will now descend on Surrey like a flock of vultures and wipe out farms like fleas from a dog.

Disgusting :lol:

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How is it that the original outbreak was from the Pirbright research center and was dealt with so quickly and this one is within a few miles yet the fat *** PM knows nothing ? Of course there will now be mass culls while the idiots in government look on google to see where the countryside is, then bow to consensus that a dead cow cant pass fmd on.

Audi TTs driven by vets who dont give a damn and take the thirteen pieces of silver will now descend on Surrey like a flock of vultures and wipe out farms like fleas from a dog.

Disgusting :lol:



It is the only way to erradicate it. A lot of lessons have been learned though. My day was a ministry vet in the 60's outbreak and all the lessons were learned then you have to kill the lot and any that are close enough to have caught it to stand a chance of stopping it. Vaccination is the worst possible option for uk farmers as the export ban remains in place far longer and the animals still have to be killed as they retain the F&M antibody.

My brother who works in that region their practice is gutted and all they can do is cancel any visits to farms that are non emergency and have the strictest bio security the can they all carry sprays to dose the car and themselves. Any vet that goes onto an infected farm can't even go back to the practice they have to remain away for a set time frame. The Countryside needs shutting down especially in that area with all footpaths shut and definitely horses stopped from riding everywhere. Hopefully it will be an isolated event and I have to say we all should be being careful where we go at the moment and thinking about the farmers who really don't need this at the moment

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