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bsa mercury .22


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I have an bsa mercury from around 1980,its sat in a cupboard for year or so,i took it out last month and gave it a go at a friends,he lives on a old farm,what a pile of junk it kicked lake horse and and accuracy was pretty bad to be fair,i have a pcp in 177 so back in the cupboard it went with the intention of one day taking it apart and seeing if i can improve things,anyway the weather was a decider,time on my hands took it into the shed stripped it down ,it had a new seal a while ago so a good clean and seached my bag of spare springs found one a tad shorter then the one i took out,it went in ok but would not cock properly,so took it apart again,when compared the old spring the coils were slightly thicker,time to get the grinder out took two coils off ,cleaned up the end,back together,its doing eight and half foot pounds now,at twenty yards using marksman pellets i can put half inch groups in paper targets,four ten cartridge cases no problem,the recoil is reduced as well and its a joy to shoot now,still like my pcp tho.

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On 24/05/2021 at 18:24, old man said:

I had a new one in the 80's, An aweful thing. Hated it, so inaccurate  at 20 yds with every pellet I tried.

I found the one i have to be the same,cut the spring down a delron spring guide and its shooting great now,bsa barrels are well made and with a bit of fettling can be really accurate.

On 24/05/2021 at 18:33, ditchman said:

this is a mercury Mod "S".............wot i did for Whitebridges..

merc fin strap 001tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 002tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 003tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 003tn_.JPG

merc fin strap 004tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 004tn_.JPG

merc fin strap 005tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 006tn_ - Copy.JPG

merc fin strap 009tn_ - Copy.JPG

Really nice mate, you have done a fine job,i take it they shoot as good as they look.

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20 minutes ago, gemini52 said:

I found the one i have to be the same,cut the spring down a delron spring guide and its shooting great now,bsa barrels are well made and with a bit of fettling can be really accurate.

Really nice mate, you have done a fine job,i take it they shoot as good as they look.

this one has settled down to 10.8 ft/lbs.............one of the most annoying things about merc's and model S...is the factory used to put them together so quick...they didnt align the barrel to the pressure chamber....all the internals were polished and the excit port champhered...............

spoke to whitebridges last week and he is well chuffed with it and it is shooting so smooth now.....and nige likes his air weapons..........

the merc was developed to take on the HW range of imports..........but when BSA made them they didnt finish them off.....so it was a failure  ...such a shame...as when worked on they are a seriously good gun

i have a 177 in bits and when i get the time i will get rid of the "O" ring seal and make a parachute carbon fibre seal for it when i have modified the head.........

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On 26/05/2021 at 09:31, gemini52 said:

Nice,whats the difference between the mk 1 and mk 2,mine is the one with he painted finish,going to strip it off and blue it.

Not a lot 

Both have single stage triggers apart from the mk2 is plastic, mk1 metal. Mk1 and 2 have single piece clocking arm where later models and I think the 's' have 2 piece. 

Mk1 are blued, mk2 are painted. Tho Im starting to think this mk1 has been painted previously. I've a issue atm the mk1 came to me in 3 bags, and the barrel is drooping when fully locked up/closed. Time to strip it again.... 

As for accuracy, never found them amazing but good enough for close range stuff

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On 27/05/2021 at 18:07, Chaz25 said:

Ditchman that's a nice sling would love one for my supersport, who makes it?

my mate the butcher.....i rebuilt a horse knife for him and he made the sling for the gun..............

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