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Tech' wi-fi question


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i keep online with a 4gee wi-fi mini from EE......and dead chuffed im with it to and cheap does excactly what i want..............when it needs charging i just plug it in to the computor and charge it and use it at the same time.........then when its charged i just lay it on the desk or somewhere in the room

strangely enuff what i have found ...is the speed of the computor increases by about 50% when it is unplugged and stand alone..as to being plugged into the computor......

can anyone explain this ........??

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5 minutes ago, rbrowning2 said:

How old is it? Is it yellow in colour? They had various issues at one time like locking up and not waking until rebooted.


Simon . My first thought is signal strength  is it nearer a window when unplugged.  Signal strength  will alter around the house .

Question if I may how much are you paying and how much data Do you get .

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27 minutes ago, johnphilip said:

Simon . My first thought is signal strength  is it nearer a window when unplugged.  Signal strength  will alter around the house .

Question if I may how much are you paying and how much data Do you get .

i paid 50 quid for data and the way it is going it will last me at least 3 mths.........BUT.....it eats data if you go on u-tube.......its fast and i connect very quickly with internet banking ...shopping...forums....


37 minutes ago, rbrowning2 said:

How old is it? Is it yellow in colour? They had various issues at one time like locking up and not waking until rebooted.


its abot 3 mths old and is white

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8 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i paid 50 quid for data and the way it is going it will last me at least 3 mths.........BUT.....it eats data if you go on u-tube.......its fast and i connect very quickly with internet banking ...shopping...forums....


its abot 3 mths old and is white

Simon the reason I ask , my mobile phone contract (Vodafone)  ends in a month or so. I contacted them for a sim only deal . This will let me use my mobile phone as a " hot spot"  to watch the likes of Netflix in 4k . They have offered me unlimited  data  . speeds upto about 30 MBPS for around £25 per month  that is discounted a bit for been a good customer.  I had something like you have and was finding the data did not last long . I have been reading up on this the last few days .

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19 minutes ago, ditchman said:

BUT.....it eats data if you go on u-tube

Streaming video does chew through data like a hot knife through butter. We find at work if people stream video when on train using their mobile phones to get WiFi.

And yes as said above the better the 4G signal the quicker the speed you will see when browsing. 

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4 minutes ago, johnphilip said:

Simon the reason I ask , my mobile phone contract (Vodafone)  ends in a month or so. I contacted them for a sim only deal . This will let me use my mobile phone as a " hot spot"  to watch the likes of Netflix in 4k . They have offered me unlimited  data  . speeds upto about 30 MBPS for around £25 per month  that is discounted a bit for been a good customer.  I had something like you have and was finding the data did not last long . I have been reading up on this the last few days .

this device is not for you then,........but perfect for me.....i dont do the tube or netflicks ...but i need to stay connected to run my life....banking..forums shopping....and its perfect and fast for what i want

i wanted to get away from contracts and landlines etc...i have a cheap nokia phone £14.78 new i charge it once every 3 weeks ...i bought EE data from Tesco and they keep giving me credit...all in all very cheap to run

when im out i dont want emails dinging away in my pocket i dont do QR codes and other carp.......if someone wants me then phone me,,,if they want to send me stuff i will pick it up when im at home on my laptop........

Edited by ditchman
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It could be a background application working when it's plugged in, something you may not know about nor think possible but when it's plugged in its either looking for something or wants something. 

The other possibility is that the cable your using is slower than the wireless signal but hardware usually assumes the user prefers that means of data transfer. Remember computer type electronics only follow what they have been told to do unless you have an intelligent one, which in due respect sir I doubt.

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The cloud of WiFi signal coming from any wireless transmitter is donut shaped with the transmitter/antenna filling the ‘hole’ do the donut, or think of a figure of 8 on its side with the transmitter being on the thinnest point in the middle.  When physically connected to your PC, that’s going to put your pc in the very middle of that hole too.  Move them away from each other and the signal coverage should be much better at your PC.

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15 hours ago, Jonty said:

The cloud of WiFi signal coming from any wireless transmitter is donut shaped with the transmitter/antenna filling the ‘hole’ do the donut, or think of a figure of 8 on its side with the transmitter being on the thinnest point in the middle.  When physically connected to your PC, that’s going to put your pc in the very middle of that hole too.  Move them away from each other and the signal coverage should be much better at your PC.

sounds sensible,,,,,,,signal is not a problem as i have full signal..

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