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20 minutes ago, London Best said:

I once caused a row in a beer garden when a bunch of hooligan brats  knocked over a table and drinks. 
I told their mother, “Missus, my dogs are better behaved than your kids.” 
This was evidenced by my three labs lying obediently by my table through all the chaos. The row was fuelled by other people from surrounding tables agreeing with me. 
Mummy was not impressed.

quite agree about badly behaved brats and their mothers.....my daughter got involved in this party thing when she was young ...and some of the kids that came round to our house were absolute shockers.......

gave the lot of them laxertive chocolate.....so when mixed with jelly and ice cream..sausage rolls....fairy cakes....caused quite an explosive condition a couple of hours down the line...............needless to say they didnt come round again

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5 minutes ago, ditchman said:

ooohhh quite like lzzo....she's a bit dirty and ismoke ...and drink and swear..and do naughty things

I didn't say that she couldn't be your guilty pleasure just that your kids shouldn't be looking at her and thinking thats an acceptable way to live their lives. image.gif.b104743e3f6b21dac43ac7c959f54393.gif

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18 minutes ago, ditchman said:

quite agree about badly behaved brats and their mothers.....my daughter got involved in this party thing when she was young ...and some of the kids that came round to our house were absolute shockers.......

gave the lot of them laxertive chocolate.....so when mixed with jelly and ice cream..sausage rolls....fairy cakes....caused quite an explosive condition a couple of hours down the line...............needless to say they didnt come round again

I like your style 🤣🤣🤣 What a shock that must have been for the parents 💥🤢🤣

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22 minutes ago, Poor Shot said:

One annoyance from today is the normalisation of obesity. I think it is crazy that as a society we seem to have shifted from the opinion that carrying a few extra pounds is ok but not desirable to it's ok to be morbidly obese and your health completely out of control, so long as you are confident in yourself. 


Nothing wrong with being confident about your weight/life, when so many young women are following social media lead [ one lettuce leaf a day] models, leading to mental health problems and anorexia

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18 minutes ago, islandgun said:

Nothing wrong with being confident about your weight/life, when so many young women are following social media lead [ one lettuce leaf a day] models, leading to mental health problems and anorexia

That's another extreme and where we were 1990's into 2010's. Also very unhealthy and damaging both physically and mentally.

Social media is also an issue and fit-fluencers can get ****ed. There is so much fakery and abuse in the fitness industry. Against popular belief, for 95% of people a six pack is not optimal and without heavy cutting most people will never achieve.

Only once in my life have I ever had a visible 6 pack and that was at the end of 18 weeks of intense cutting and fat loss. It was a means to an end (stag do and wedding photos) and a completely unsustainable way to live. Less than 1500 calories a day, 2 hour conditioning and training sessions 5 days a week and a 15000 step target.

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