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9 hours ago, Munzy said:

What specific opportunities do you think are out there?

Being free to lower corporation tax to the level of Ireland or better still, below that of Ireland, and enticing big businesses back into the UK for one.

9 hours ago, Munzy said:

So again… what opportunities actually exist for us out of the EU?

Plenty, but they will not be seized. The World is a big place.

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7 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

Why do you think the only place to trade is with the EU, "what opportunitys exist outside the EU" seriously? there's a whole world out there, the EU trade block is shrinking while others are growing. Why should we attach ourselves to a sinking stone?

You misunderstood me; I meant what opportunities exist for us now we are outside the EU? It is a big world with lots of business to be done, you’re absolutely right… so where are all these new exciting trade deals bringing in the big bucks? They haven’t materialised because the EU is a far more valuable customer around the world than the UK would be on its own.

And as for what’s so bad now… I employ a large team of tradespeople of all sorts. Labour prices are through the roof along with material costs. Additional tariffs, import costs and a lack of foreign labour has driven prices up.

1 minute ago, Newbie to this said:

Being free to lower corporation tax to the level of Ireland or better still, below that of Ireland, and enticing big businesses back into the UK for one.

Plenty, but they will not be seized. The World is a big place.

I agree with both of those opportunities in theory… so why hasn’t it happened? Because those in Government continue to line their pockets and look after their friends instead.

The EU also placed a cap on bankers’ bonuses… that can be lifted too now… hooray for the working man! Trickle down economics is another thing I believe works in theory but doesn’t in practice.

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5 minutes ago, Munzy said:

so where are all these new exciting trade deals bringing in the big bucks?

So where was the big bucks, that came with being in the club? It cost the tax payer a fortune, so big businesses could trade for 'free'.

6 minutes ago, Munzy said:

and a lack of foreign labour has driven prices up.

See you are finding positives :good:

6 minutes ago, Munzy said:

I agree with both of those opportunities in theory… so why hasn’t it happened? Because those in Government continue to line their pockets and look after their friends instead.

The EU also placed a cap on bankers’ bonuses… that can be lifted too now… hooray for the working man! Trickle down economics is another thing I believe works in theory but doesn’t in practice

Like I said, they won't be seized, because our politicians don't want it.

Brexit is not the problem.

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1 hour ago, Munzy said:

You misunderstood me; I meant what opportunities exist for us now we are outside the EU? It is a big world with lots of business to be done, you’re absolutely right… so where are all these new exciting trade deals bringing in the big bucks? They haven’t materialised because the EU is a far more valuable customer around the world than the UK would be on its own.

The same as I said earlier, the world is a huge place, it will require our Politicians to want to seize them however and unfortunately, our political parties don't want to. 


1 hour ago, Munzy said:

And as for what’s so bad now… I employ a large team of tradespeople of all sorts. Labour prices are through the roof along with material costs. Additional tariffs, import costs and a lack of foreign labour has driven prices up.

I'm afraid I was speaking generally, there will always be winners and losers with any change, but as a country I think leaving has made almost no measurable negative change and certainly none compared to coronavirus did.


1 hour ago, Munzy said:

I agree with both of those opportunities in theory… so why hasn’t it happened? Because those in Government continue to line their pockets and look after their friends instead.

The EU also placed a cap on bankers’ bonuses… that can be lifted too now… hooray for the working man! Trickle down economics is another thing I believe works in theory but doesn’t in practice.


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It's too late to save many business's.

This country is very expensive to do business in, my next door neighbor has a fashion clothing business that is finding it very difficult to compete with foreign suppliers. He's in the process of moving the business to Africa.

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I do find it funny how people moan about our unelected govt but were happy to be part of the biggest unelected club being the EU. And yet we still talk about it. It's happened and now we have to deal with it. I personally apart from the energy prices and this year's inflation have not actually seen a decrease in my standard of living. Yet doom and gloom was very much on remain propaganda... Both sides lied simple as.  

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6 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

I do find it funny how people moan about our unelected govt but were happy to be part of the biggest unelected club being the EU. And yet we still talk about it. It's happened and now we have to deal with it. I personally apart from the energy prices and this year's inflation have not actually seen a decrease in my standard of living. Yet doom and gloom was very much on remain propaganda... Both sides lied simple as.  

Totally agree.  That first paragraph particularly so. 

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If (god forbid) we tried to rejoin the EU the first thing they will insist on is us signing up to the Euro.

I still don’t think people were that bothered either way whether we stayed or left.

I think people voted the opposite way to what the government wanted as they were sick of being ignored.

If the government wanted us to leave we would still be in it 🤷🏻‍♂️


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