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Last nights result!!

sussex lad

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After enduring many hours of toilet TV last night. About 10.30 i made a desperate phone call to my brother to see if he wanted to go play :twisted:


The first few trips around estate produced the bunnies. Not until we had decided to go home, Rob spotted a pair of eyes on a pile of hay bales :lol:


So we headed off in the general direction ,not sure if was going to hang around as we made our way through a series of gates :lol:

Once through the last gate we were about 200 yards away, so we moved around to get ourselves down wind and get a safe shot.

With the lights out we slowly crept forwards at a snails pace.

So with a quick scan of the lamp to check it was still on the bales we stopped to laser old charlie 159 yards on the "nose " :lol: .

Lamp off i got my self comfortable through the roof hatch, then light on and ******!! its gone....

But no, there it was at the base of the bails looking very nervous :lol:

so i let him look away one more time, then as he turned back to me i squeaked to hold his attention and BANG!! its down..




I instantly re cocked in case a follow up shot was needed, but its going nowhere ???

So made safe and drove to the bails to find out, it was a she and quite old by the looks of her coat and very skinny.

I turned her over and the reason for the poor condition became clear.

At some point the right rear leg had been quite severely damaged and completely healed :shock: .




Not sure if she would have survived the winter so i was quite glad i had taken her.


So in all it was a good few hours out, certanly better thae the drivel on TV lastnite



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