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Honest answers only please, Britain next 20 - 50 years


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dont forget that this country was totaly crime free, no dole scroungers and no go areas didnt exist before immigrants !!


a fair point but i dont agree with that completly ,england has never been a eutopian state ,we have had prison for centuaries

but if you watch the main news on an evening it does not require a lot of working out where most of the crimes are conceived and by whom , every time there is a murder , drug deal the perpetrator does seem to have an odd name ,.......the one i like most though is not murder ,.........but honour killing !!!!!!!!!!!!



Whoooooooooooooooooooooosh. :good:


raymond1, have you ever heard of irony.


I dont understand the irony??

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i am not retracting anything ,i dont have to because past events prove what has been happening ,london bombings, world trade centre , the list goes on , each claimming to be devout muslim ,.........interestingly , how many of those people had beards ?,..........like i said ,your blinkerd

I`m not "Blinkered" I`m making a comment on your post which I believe to be flawed.


Please try to understand, this isn`t about bombings or whether muslims are devout or not.......... you made a statement, it was that Blackburn is under sharia law, YES ?

I said for it to be under sharia law it was necessary for all Muslim men to have beards(this is haraam), YES ?


Now this is where it gets complicated, for Blackburn to be under sharia law(which you said it was) it means all muslim men have to have beards, they don`t as you said, and therefore the statement "blackburn is under sharia law" is UNTRUE.


Remember this is your statement, not a quote from elsewhere and as such shows that you do not know, in this instance, what you are talking about and as such may also negate any further arguments from you.

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i am not retracting anything ,i dont have to because past events prove what has been happening ,london bombings, world trade centre , the list goes on , each claimming to be devout muslim ,.........interestingly , how many of those people had beards ?,..........like i said ,your blinkerd


henry please leave it mate, i've just coughed up my tea laughing at this dispute, its superb but i cant take it anymore.


BM :good:


-you were too quick.

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i am not retracting anything ,i dont have to because past events prove what has been happening ,london bombings, world trade centre , the list goes on , each claimming to be devout muslim ,.........interestingly , how many of those people had beards ?,..........like i said ,your blinkerd


henry please leave it mate, i've just coughed up my tea laughing at this dispute, its superb but i cant take it anymore.


BM :good:



My apologies please send me the laundry bill.

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Just been reading a report in the Daily Mail about a English councilor who has protested against the building of the largest mosque in the western world being built in London has had his obituary video being played on you tube!! As I have stated many times before this alien religon should not be allowed to spread and prosper, If a candidate for the BNP stands in my constituary I and many more will vote for them, lets try to get OUR COUNTRY BACK.

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Just been reading a report in the Daily Mail about a English councilor who has protested against the building of the largest mosque in the western world being built in London has had his obituary video being played on you tube!! As I have stated many times before this alien religon should not be allowed to spread and prosper, If a candidate for the BNP stands in my constituary I and many more will vote for them, lets try to get OUR COUNTRY BACK.


Unfortunately thr BNP will only ever put the cause of the honest working person(whatever colour) back 20 steps....the BNP are not the way forward....they are a bunch of cretins whose ideas are way off.....all this Brit bashing does my head in but the BNP are a bunch of *****....I remember meeting Dereck Beacon years ago(BNP candidate for the Isle of Dogs)....he was as thik as **** and didn't stand for anything I believe....I will NEVER back Bullies.....as a kid I went out of my way to fight bulies no matter what form they took.....and that is still my stance.....white Engalnd for whites my ****......decent honest england for decent honest Englishmen/woman(no matter whaT COLOUR.....ITS THE BELIEF THAT IS IMPORTANT) is what its all about.......end of rant

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Guest raymond1
i am not retracting anything ,i dont have to because past events prove what has been happening ,london bombings, world trade centre , the list goes on , each claimming to be devout muslim ,.........interestingly , how many of those people had beards ?,..........like i said ,your blinkerd

I`m not "Blinkered" I`m making a comment on your post which I believe to be flawed.


Please try to understand, this isn`t about bombings or whether muslims are devout or not.......... you made a statement, it was that Blackburn is under sharia law, YES ?

I said for it to be under sharia law it was necessary for all Muslim men to have beards(this is haraam), YES ?


Now this is where it gets complicated, for Blackburn to be under sharia law(which you said it was) it means all muslim men have to have beards, they don`t as you said, and therefore the statement "blackburn is under sharia law" is UNTRUE.


Remember this is your statement, not a quote from elsewhere and as such shows that you do not know, in this instance, what you are talking about and as such may also negate any further arguments from you.

o.k lets go back a few steps , i will name an asian country that observes sharia law , pakistan,it is in the head lines right now so seeing the people in their native country should not be hard ,.........how many of those people have beards :lol:

i rest my case there then , i would say that the majority dont have beards , case proved :good:

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holy smoke :/ :yp: , death, destruction, doom and gloom, drought, distemper, diptheria, dolly parton cd's, sorry ran out of desperate things to drag into the thread.


jesus, sounds like Chunk is about to leap of a building there, is there no hope for good old blighty??? bring back the iron maiden i say, Maggie will put it all right.


soon be xmas, cheer up then, "its a long way to tipperary, its a long way to go", altogether now :good::lol:



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Guest raymond1
holy smoke :yp: :lol: , death, destruction, doom and gloom, drought, distemper, diptheria, dolly parton cd's, sorry ran out of desperate things to drag into the thread.


jesus, sounds like Chunk is about to leap of a building there, is there no hope for good old blighty??? bring back the iron maiden i say, Maggie will put it all right.


soon be xmas, cheer up then, "its a long way to tipperary, its a long way to go", altogether now :good::lol:



keep making fun of it , whilst going through bradford the other week christmas decorations were being put up ,on my return journey through bradford they had been completed , it said ,happy eid,......my son who is a teacher came home and told us easter is now not being recognised as easter ,.....just a bank holiday ,and the schools have the same plans for next year ,but this time christmas,another bank holiday ,why :/? because certain races of people find our national holiday names offensive,.

yet our local council saw fit to put up almost the same decorations as bradford council and taken things a step further by having the pakistani flag flying at full mast on the town hall,.....

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Guest The Outlaw

Imigration rules have been let slip even more since we lowered our guard and opened that bloody tunnel.

I used to work at Heathrow airport on the maintenence team.

The security if you could call it that, was a joke.

When entering and leaving airside( beyond customs control ) in a van, you should have been searched and the contents of the van removed and Xrayed.

This has never happened to me or 1000's of vehicles being taken back and forth from airside to landside daily.

The only search you got was a pat down and your van peeked into.

If they searched all the vans like they should have, the que would be around the airport and back.

It would, and prob still is possible to bring in Weapons, Drugs, even people if you really wanted to.

And can I also add that most of the people that worked airside on baggage and cleaning and the like were temps from ethnic backgrounds.

Our channel ports are still the most strictest patrol to get in this country.

But, because of their human rights we have to keep them here when they do get in and even pay for thier appeals against deportation :blush::good::oops::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

It all gives me the ump.

The problem with the BNP is their lack of political knowlege.

They are a protest party.

There is never going to be a solution to the problem.

I wrote to my local MP John Bercow about it quoting the Auzzie PM's speach a few years ago and he wrote back with the hump saying we need these people. :good:


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FAO Death From Below, you have had you say so I will have mine.


People who have been brainwashed by the media to think of The BNP as racist thugs obviously can't think for themselves. The BNP have made massive strides in putting their political house in order, the party is growing by the day and is probably the fastest growing political party at the moment in the UK, why because Mr and Mrs average people like myself, are fed up to the back teeth of everything Britain is not.


Regarding the way forward, lets all blindly follow the labour or tory parties like we have done for most of our lives, it's better the devil you know syndrome, not me anymore, some may not want to read this but The BNP are the only political party who pull no punches, say what they feel and who are dedicated in trying to get the Great back in Britain.


Can you explain to me why you think The BNP ideas are way off or in fact which ones are way off, I would be interested to read your thoughts.


If Brit bashing as you put it, does your head in, you have to take a long hard look at what you want for this country and if you think this country is in great shape, you are clearly deluded.


So you met Derek Beacon, so you thought you would take a cheap shot at him, you have to admire the man for standing up for something he believes in, The BNP and what they are trying to do in the UK, if he didn't stand for anything you believe, you must be happy to see Britain the way it is.


If you think The BNP are bullies, you are wrong, they are a political party who are right to voice their opinions and concerns, you may not agree with them or their policies, but The BNP are the only political party who actually care passionately about the UK.


I will tell you what it's all about, supporting The BNP, as honestly they are the only political party that will fight for what I believe in, That's the end of my rant

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I'm not comfortable with the BNP being in power, they're a bit too far right for my liking, even though I'm somewhat right of centre myself :good:


However, where I think the BNP will be good for Britain, is that, as support for the BNP grows, the Labour and Tory weak ****** will have to move their policies to the right, as they see that that is what the people are demanding, so I think they may eventually have the effect of bringing common sense back into politics.


The BNP have many good ideas, but I can't help thinking that they are just more in touch with what the man on the street is thinking, so they can shout that stuff to gain support. What they'd actually manage to achieve if they got into power is another thing entirely, and I would need to know just where they would draw the line. The world has a bit of a history of right-wing parties and their methods of removing their opposition :good:


You've only got to look at some of the boneheads in the audience of a BNP "rally" to know what they're really all about :blush:

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Lifted from another Forum today.

Just in case you have been "brainwashed by the media to think of the BNP as racist thugs".



BNP (the non bullying) Party.


[ Nick Griffin (Party Chairman) Received a two-year suspended sentence in April 1998 for inciting racial hatred. His magazine The Rune carried obscene anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial material as well as crude racism.



Tony Lecomber

Tony Lecomber (Group Development Officer). In 1985 he was convicted on five counts for offences under the Explosives Act, including possession of homemade hand-grenades and electronic timing devices. Sentenced to three-years imprisonment.

In 1991 he was sentenced to another three years imprisonment for unlawful wounding for his part in an attack on a Jewish schoolteacher whom he caught trying to peel off a BNP sticker at an underground station. He has a total of 12 convictions.


Colin Smith (South East London organiser). Has amassed a total of 17 convictions for burglary, theft, stealing cars, possession of drugs and assaulting a police officer.


John Tyndall (founder of the BNP). Six convictions. In 1962 he was jailed for organising a paramilitary organisation. Four years later, he was again sent to prison for possession of a loaded gun. In 1986, he was convicted for incitement to racial hatred under the Public Order Act and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.


Warren Bennett (Chief Steward). Supposed to keep order in the party yet has convictions for football hooliganism. In 1998, he was deported from France with over 50 other Scottish hooligans, including several BNP members.


Steve Belshaw (East Midlands BNP organiser. Was convicted in 1994 for assaulting a lawyer in his home-town of Mansfield. At the time, Belshaw combined his BNP membership with Combat 18 activity.


Kevin Scott (North East Regional Organiser). Was convicted in 1993 for hurling a glass at a black customer in a pub.


Alan Gould (Waltham Forest Organiser). Was convicted in 2000 for racially abusing people in a local pub. He told the court that it was the drink getting the better of him.



Robert Bennett

Robert Bennett. A leading activist in Oldham BNP during the 2002 elections campaign, Bennett has served five years in prison for the gang rape of a woman. He has also served seven years for armed robbery and has over 30 convictions in total.



Mick Treacy. The Oldham organiser has five convictions for violence, theft, and handling stolen goods


Darren Dobson. Found guilty of racially aggravated assault at Oldham magistrates in November 2001. Fined £300. Connected to football hooligans in the Oldham area, and has links to the nazi terror group Combat 18


Darren Hoy. April 2002, the BNP supporter was sent to prison for 3 months for racially abusing people as they left an anti-fascist rally in Oldham. ]




The BNP response that gets posted, is how all Political parties are full of adulterers, child stranglers, con men, etc.

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Cranfield If you want to go down the road off lifting things form other forums, read this and let me have your thoughts,


Conservative Party Criminals



. Tory Party General election candidate, Michael Powell - Convicted and jailed for 3 years for downloading hardcore child porn.

. Tory Party Councillor (Wickbar/Bristol) Roger Talboys - Convicted and jailed for 6 years for multiple sex attacks on children.

. Tory Party Vice-Chairman of Welsh Conservatives, Andrew Baker - Received a banning order for stalking women.

. Tory Party MP (Billericay) Harvey Proctor - Stood trial for sex offences of a sado-masochistic nature against teenage boys, and was forced to resign.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Stratford-upon-Avon ) Christopher Pilkington - Convicted of downloading hardcore child porn on his PC. Placed on sex offenders register and forced to resign.

. Tory Party councillor ( Coventry ), Peter Stidworthy - Charged with indecent assault of a 15-year old boy.

. Tory Party Mayor ( North Tyneside ), Chris Morgan - Forced to resign after being arrested twice in 2 weeks, for indecent assault on a 15-year old girl, and for suspicion of downloading child porn.

. Tory Party MEP, Tom Spencer - Caught smuggling drugs and porn through customs.

. Tory Party councillor and former Mayor (Wrexham), Michael Morris - Convicted and put on probation for 2 years, for the indecent assault of another man, which was captured on CCTV.

. Tory Party Liaison Manager on the London Assembly, Douglas Campbell, who's job includes running the Tory GLA website - Arrested for allegedly downloading child porn. He is currently suspended while the Police investigation continues.



. Tory Party MP (Henley), Boris Johnson - Caught on tape plotting to have a man beaten up by a hired thug. The man was a journalist who had written an unsympathetic piece about Johnson's close friend - Convicted fraudster, Darius Guppy.

. Tory Party Councillor (Folkestone - in Leader, Michael Howard's constituency), Robert Richdale - 41 year history of crime, involving 30 convictions and 5 prison sentences. Richdales enormous criminal record, which covers 10 pages of A4 paper, includes convictions for assault, theft, causing death by dangerous driving, forgery, drugs offences, possession of an offensive weapon, and sex attacks against underage schoolgirls. The Tory Party election campaign literature described Richdale as "a family man" who had a "compassionate personality"


. Tory Party councillor (Dudley), Abdul Quadus, who was also chairman of the Dudley Police Committee and a Tory Party spokesman on crime - Convicted and jailed for 6 months for passport fraud and assisting illegal immigration from his native country - Pakistan.

. Former Tory Party Cabinet Minister, Jonathan Aitkin - Convicted and jailed for Perjury and Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice.

. Former Tory Leader of Westminster Council, Dame Shirley Porter - Fled to Israel to evade justice after indulging in fraud, corruption and gerrymandering on a massive scale, and stealing millions of pounds from local taxpayers.

. Tory Party Councillor ( Margate ), Colin Kiddel - Forced to resign after Police investigation into his alleged theft and embezzlement of funds from the local `Dreamland` Amusement Park.

. Former Tory Party Chairman and London Mayoral Candidate, Jeffrey Archer - Convicted and jailed for Perjury and Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice.



Labour Party Criminals



. Labour Councillor (Newton Aycliffe) Martin Locklyn - Convicted and jailed for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys.

. Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.

. Labour Mayor (Westhoughton/Lancashire) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10 years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls between the age of 6 and 10. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

. Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and threats to kill. After raping and threatening to kill his terrified victim, Winstanley then ordered the woman to go on all fours before urinating on her.

. Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old girl on 2 separate occasions.

. Labour's current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2 Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.

. Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public toilet.

. Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before he could be convicted.

. Labour Councillor (North Yorkshire) Raymond Coats - Court appearance for indecently assaulting a woman.

. Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as "Horny as *******" and says, "I'd love a good long ".

. Labour Councillor (Manchester), George Harding - Charged with indecent assault on a girl of 12.

. Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for badgers" he said.

. Labour Councillor (Durham), Derrick Payne - Arrested by Police following a sex attack.

. Labour MP, Joe Ashton - Caught up in a Police raid while frequenting a brothel. Tried to lie his way out of the scandal.

. Labour Councillor (Shropshire), Derek Woodvine - Arrested by Police in anti-porn operation.

. Labour Councillor (Basildon), Tony Wright - Forced to resign after being caught using his council computer to download porn.

. Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.

. According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers said to be `Household names` appear on the `Operation Ore ` list of subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation, which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr Blair?


. Labour Councillor (Kirkby, Merseyside) Charlie Preston - Convicted and jailed for 5 years in 1982 for assault and burglary. Preston broke into the home of a 64 year old man, and beat him up in his bed as he slept before robbing the house. The judge described the case as "As bad a matter of burglary as I can remember" Preston also holds the position on the Council of... `Deputy Cabinet Member for Youth, Citizenship, and Community Safety`.

. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Denis Jones - Convicted and jailed for unlawful wounding after attacking a neighbour with a sledgehammer.

. Labour Councillor ( Wales ) Ken Brookman - Bit off a mans ear in a dispute over a seat on a train!

. Labour Councillor and former Mayor (Stockton), Keith Dobinson - Investigated by Police for alleged assault on an OAP, which left the old man of 79, hospitalised.

. Labour MP, Tommy Graham - Expelled from Party for his part in driving a person to suicide.

. Labour Councillors (Ilfracombe), Brian Cotton and Tony Cooper - Investigated by Police following serious allegations of Harassment.


. Labour Councillor (Sandwell) Mohamed Niwaz convicted of illegally obtaining £20,000 in Housing Grants.

. Labour Councillors in Doncaster - 23 Convicted and 2 jailed for massive fraud, corruption and theft of public funds. Investigation also uncovered massive Labour Party corruption in neighbouring Rotherham .

. Labour Party Councillor ( Blackburn ), Mohammed Hussein - arrested together with 6 Labour activists on suspicion of Election rigging.

. Labour MP Mohammed Sawar ( Britain 's first Asian MP - Glasgow) was the subject of a major News of the World investigation a few years ago into bribery and corruption. Despite this, the massive Asian population in his constituency keeps him safely in his seat.

. Labour MP (Leicester) and former Cabinet Minister, Keith Vaz - Investigated for fraud and corruption before quietly leaving his Europe Minister post with `health problems`. According to his former Secretary, Vaz does absolutely nothing in his constituency other than help local Pakistanis with their Immigration cases (which also helps to explain the `whites a minority` status of Leicester and the safe Labour seat of Mr Vaz)

. Labour Party Euro MP, David Martin is currently being investigated for an alleged expenses fraud involving `hundreds of thousands of pounds`.

. Labour Councillor (Glamorgan), Shawn Stringer - Forced to resign following Police investigation into financial corruption.


. Tony Blair recently appointed his close friend/crony and colleague of his wife - Ken Macdonald as the new Director of Public Prosecutions, despite the fact he has a drugs conviction.

. William Straw - Son of Labour Foreign Secretary, and former Home Secretary - Jack Straw, was cautioned by Police for drug dealing, amid a frantic Government attempt to cover up the matter and gag the media as to his identity. Jack Straw also has a brother who was convicted of a sex attack on a schoolgirl. Lovely family!

. Homosexual mass murderer; Dennis Nielsen, who strangled and dismembered 16 young men in the 1980`s, was also a highly active member of Labour fringe groups such as the Anti-Nazi League, and the SWP. That's when he wasn't busy boiling peoples heads in a pot, or masturbating over the corpses of his victims

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Cranfield, I would not say all the other parties are full of adulterers, child stranglers, con men, etc but you have to admit there are more criminals in the labour and tory party than The BNP :blush:

Hear Hear, Not supprised at Left wing Brits? hiding under the guise of the Poppy, to show they alone are talking the truth, Again these are the people who are advocating bend over boys, Islam is good for you and yours!! Have these ***** ever been in our big cities and seen or took the time to see what is happening to our country???.Methinks they protest too much. Ho Hum Lets all roll over and become second class in our? COUNTRY. :good:

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What do see for Btitain over the next 20 - 50 years ?


If it gets any worse than it is now, how can we stop it ? or indeed can we stop it ?


I appreciate that some of us won't see it but our children and our children's children will

well its a known fact that the majority of middle aged, middle class are all moving abroad..i live in the capital of pakistan, birmingham...20-50 years well the white are nearly extinct, only the poor ones like my self here, god knows what lies a head for my children and yours if you have any..they wreckon there 10 to every 1 registered immagrint..what can we do, well not alot as the goverment are quite happy to let them all in, schools and colleges and unis are covered..aint seen a white shop keeper ever in my lif unless in the town centre like argos..bus drivers are all polish,all taxi drivers are asian..what is it gona be like in 20-50 year and what can we do...we could vote bnp..well its just spreading outwards so i wreckon they will take over the country, ive seen them take over estates..i wreckon the only way we could do something is if they allowed fire arms as protection cuz you would always have a ledgit excuse were im from any way..they should just start doing stop searches and lock them up and deport them on the spot..i see them stop check smack heads every day of the week but you see a bunch of asians walkin down the street and the police dont even look at them..the only answer is get out of here while you can and take your family..unfortunately unless i win lotto i cant cuz they have all our jobs and theres no chance of a decent job as long as they work for £2-3 an hour..ive tryed to be as how can i put it, iv tryed to giv my opinion with out any offence to any one..i have no problems with any race but i do have a problem with the way there taking over the country and no ones doing nothing about it..just my opinion lads :good:

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Just been reading a report in the Daily Mail about a English councilor who has protested against the building of the largest mosque in the western world being built in London has had his obituary video being played on you tube!! As I have stated many times before this alien religon should not be allowed to spread and prosper, If a candidate for the BNP stands in my constituary I and many more will vote for them, lets try to get OUR COUNTRY BACK.


Unfortunately thr BNP will only ever put the cause of the honest working person(whatever colour) back 20 steps....the BNP are not the way forward....they are a bunch of cretins whose ideas are way off.....all this Brit bashing does my head in but the BNP are a bunch of *****....I remember meeting Dereck Beacon years ago(BNP candidate for the Isle of Dogs)....he was as thik as **** and didn't stand for anything I believe....I will NEVER back Bullies.....as a kid I went out of my way to fight bulies no matter what form they took.....and that is still my stance.....white Engalnd for whites my ****......decent honest england for decent honest Englishmen/woman(no matter whaT COLOUR.....ITS THE BELIEF THAT IS IMPORTANT) is what its all about.......end of rant

but were gettin bullyed out of our country..we cant even walk the streets at night

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