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Phil Pyke

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A friend and I had a great day yesterday foraging in the Great Park in Surrey - just a day after it was open after foot-and-mouth precautions so still lots of mushrooms in very easy places. Best finds was copious amounts of Fairy Ring Chamignons, although did come across a couple of rather mangy looking Ceps. Anyway it all made a cracking soup.


Just wondering; a) if anyone else is a mushroomer?

:good: If so, can they reccomend a good field guide? We were using the River Cottage one, which was excellent. Particuarly useful was the 'key' system at the front where you went through stages and it gave probable outcomes. Naturally though we need another guide to cross-reference with, and Amazon have dozens of them, so wondering which would be best.... for on the go, rapid identification, so would need some sort of way to jump straight into types rather than thumbing through an A-Z!

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There are hundreds of mushroom varieties and you will need many guides to help you especially as there are differences of opinion in different guides!!


IMHO if you just want to identify mushrooms for good eating then there are only about 20 worth bothering with in the UK. Antonio Carluccio taught me and his book is called "a passion for mushrooms". Michael Jordon is also a very good writer on the subject. Both will give you the top mushrooms and their counterpart poisonous mushrooms to make sure you can 100% positively identify the tasty ones and just as importantly can any mushroom which may be confused with uncomfortable/painful/lethal results.


I guess it depends if you want to be a mycologist or just someone who gathers to eat the top tasty ones.....


It is a great hobby.


Good luck and be safe

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I cannot at this stage contrive a funny setting or set up for "the mushroom gag" and so thought I would dive straight in with the punch line "Fun Guy" (funghi) to be with if only to ruin it for Berettaman who is probably cracking open his 7th can of Tenants Super in the course of warming up for this evening's entertainment :good:

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Further to my last bleat.


Amazon returned my money today, stating that the book had been sold!! Well I thought it had been sold to me.


So I beat a retreat to fleabay, and the copy for £10 has rocketed. I did however secure the book for a trifle. I must remember to print out the amazon page and place it inside the book, just as a reminder as to how much money I saved!



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