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Roughshooting in Ireland


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I thought id share a few pics of the days shooting from saturday and a lovely old pheasant i got this evening.I was out from 7am till around 4pm on saturday with my mate shane we headed to a spot i shot a good few foxes in during the summer months and the vermin control paid off because we put up a lot of birds hens and cocks but we dont shoot the hens over here so we did not fire a shot at them the reason being here we rely on the hens to lay and raise birds in spring and summer our club buys in adult cocks and releases them in may to replenish stocks hence the main reason me and foxes dont get on :lol:

The pic of my springer spot is taken in a field of beet in the distance you can see a beech ditch shane shot the first cock on that ditch a very big bird 38" long it was a lovely shot the bird was quartering away into the wind about 40 yards out at a fair speed and his springer retrived it nicely :lol: its the bird shane is holding up in the pic i shot one about an hour later flushed by the springers he rose without making much noise and it took me a while to spot him :drool: he was just about to disappear over a hill when 35grm's of eley maximum 5's brought him down to earth :drool: i was delighted as i didnt get a shot at a bird the last day we were out and walked a lot of miles since i last got one.

Further down the same ditch shane dropped another cock a young bird this time fairly small compared to the others but good to get all the same we finished up the day with five birds 3 shot by me and 2 for shane the highlight of the day for me involved a bit of luck shanes springer followed a scent trail about 200yards up the ditch into an old farmyard a large cock was flushed it flew back towards me and only spotted me about 100yrds out then rose to a great height to try to avoid me i gave a good bit of lead and fired the bird folded and crashed down beside me :blush:


shanes large bird


The days bag and a very tired springer :blush:


I was out with shane today in a different spot we went out late enough around 1pm i missed a massive cock a crossing shot and to add insult to injury then missed another about 10 mins later :drool: i had a fairly dodgy head on me due to one to many :lol: the night before thats what i'll blame anyway :drool:

Shane was shooting well and dropped 2 then i finally bagged 1 a lovely going away shot as my head started to clear a bit.I got this very large bird in an overgrown orchard he was 39" long and nearly 4lbs weight :lol: a nice shot as he was going over the tips of the trees that rounded off a very good weekends sport they will very nice roasted at some stage next week :blush:

This is the bird i got in the orchard




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Well done Mark - good old Cock bird that last 1 you shot :huh:


looks like all the fox shooting during the summer has paid dividends too mate

Keeping the foxes in check in that spot worked very well we released around 30 birds in that particular area and the survival rate was fairly impressive the wild birds even managed to rear a few late poults as we flushed a good few birds that were just starting to get there colours ;)


That last cock pheasant is very big alright there is a load of meat on his chest he will make a nice meal :unsure:

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Well done mark and shane. Some good birds there,

the last one is a cracker. keep it up.


regards ronan :good:

Shot a few good ones this year ronan plenty about too lucky enough :good: Being raining fairly heavy the last few days with a bit of luck a field i know floods which it usually does this time of year the widgeon love them floods in grass fields we usually get good bags off them :oops:

Do you get to go after any pheasants or game round your parts?


Lewis i certainly aint a falkirk man im Irish through and through what gave you that notion :lol:

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